Posts Tagged ‘app’

Two years from the kick-off of our European research project “MUV – Mobility Urban Values” and after more than 30.000 sustainable km done on foot, by bike and by public transports by the athletes who downloaded and use the mobile app, we are excited to announce the launch of the most important challenge: the first Sustainable City Tournament.

Eight teams will compete in this new, exciting, game mode: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Fundao, Ghent, Helsinki, Palermo, Rome and Teresina.

Ten more cities have indeed joined the six pilot cities of the project thanks to the Open Call launched in September 2018.

Among the newcomers, Rome and the Brazilian Teresina have immediately distinguished themselves for their willing to play and try to change the mobility habits of their communities.

The Tournament will start on June 3 and end on July 21. Seven weeks of direct weekly matches in a real sports competition at the end of which the best team will win the title of most sustainable city.

In the first round, Palermo will challenge Barcelona without fear. The athletes of Palermo are in fact many and super competitive as well as the coach of the team, the Mobility Councilor Giusto Catania.

Good luck to all the teams but we definitely support Palermo!

Dopo il successo di Palermo onTour, l’app che permette di pianificare tour personalizzati nel capoluogo siciliano, premiata dal Google Developers Group Sicilia e allo Smau come miglior progetto legato al turismo, PUSH. presenta Open Tour.

L’applicazione per smartphone, lanciata in esclusiva a Milano, permette di creare degli itinerari su misura sfruttando gli Open Data, dati liberamente accessibili a tutti e caratterizzati da licenze di distribuzione che ne permettono la fruizione e diffusione da parte degli utenti.  È disponibile per i dispositivi Android e scaricabile gratuitamente dal Play Store.

Semplice e intuitivo il suo funzionamento: indicando il tempo a propria disposizione, il proprio punto di partenza e cosa si è interessati a visitare, l’app genererà un percorso turistico personalizzato, fornendo informazioni utili sui luoghi da visitare e – naturalmente – una mappa.  Grazie agli Open Data l‘algoritmo sviluppato da PUSH è in grado inoltre di calcolare in quanto tempo è possibile raggiungere un qualunque sito e se questo sarà aperto e visitabile al proprio arrivo.

Pensando inoltre ai turisti che spesso non dispongono di una connessione internet all’estero, l’app – disponibile anche in inglese – funziona perfettamente offline.

Open Tour però è soprattutto un progetto collaborativo: attraverso un meccanismo basato sulla condivisione dei contenuti, è pensata per essere disponibile per infinite città. Chiunque infatti attraverso il sito può candidarsi per realizzare il dataset della propria città contribuendo alla crescita e alla diffusione dell’app.



La sperimentazione della nostra app trafficO2 continua: è in arrivo la terza SUV Challenge di trafficO2 – dove SUV sta per Sustainable Urban Values – la sfida che premia gli spostamenti sostenibili degli studenti dell’Università di Palermo.

Utilizzando trafficO2 e muovendosi a piedi, in bici, in vehicle pooling e con i mezzi AMAT gli utenti guadagneranno dei punti che daranno loro diritto ai premi messi in palio dalla rete di partner che hanno aderito al progetto.

Diverse le novità presenti nella nuova release dell’app (disponibile per iOS e Android) che gli studenti testeranno in anteprima: la possibilità di selezionare i mezzi pubblici come modalità di spostamento, le notifiche “bomba” che permetteranno di guadagnare punti extra e tanto altro.

Gli studenti interessati a partecipare alla SUV Challenge, che avrà luogo ad aprile prossimo, possono iscriversi tramite il sito trafficO2. Riceveranno ulteriori informazioni  via e-mail poco prima dell’inizio della sfida.

Anche per questa SUV Challenge sarà presente una comunità ad invito costituita da soggetti interessati a testare in esclusiva l’app.

“Palermo Pulita” is an app developed by Social Street Palermo allowing the user to report the presence of trash, illegal dumping grounds, and damages to urban decoration in the area of the city of Palermo.


The use of the app is simple and immediate: to make a report is sufficient to take a picture in real time, select on the app the category of the issue reported (illegal dumoing grounds, dangerous waste, urban waste, and damages to urban decoration), and send the geolocalized information to the server. The app collects the reports anonymously and the data gathered will be then shown on a density map on this page: As a consequence, it will be easy to understand which areas need urgent interventions.


PUSH, which subscribes to the values underlying the civic activities of Social Street Palermo’s concerned and participatory community, has realized the iOs version of “Palermo Pulita” app, downloadable here.


After the success of the 2013 edition, this year PUSH was again selected among the two hundred participants to Expo delle Startup in Milan, at Palazzo Lombardia on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 June.

For this occasion we made a video narrating the first year of our activity. You can view it here (and also use it to keep on voting for it or to share it on social networks).

This third edition of the event fits in the larger context of Cross Creativity program, a festival organized by Regione Lombardia in order to promote innovation, culture, and creativity, through a program full of initiatives.

This is s an unmissable date for startuppers and investors, an opportunity to meet, share ideas, and experiences in several fields: advertising, gaming, tourism, culture, desing/architecture, and the digital world.

Admission is free. 

For info, please visit the official website

TrafficO2 Website has a new design.

In addition to the section dedicated to the project and the experimental phase, a huge section has been devoted to the SUVChallenge, the first trafficO2 challenge involving 100 students from Palermo University who have applied to participate and become app testers.

From today, students can dowload the app and get ready for the challenge, starting on Wednesday May 28.

Go and find the rules, all the awards and partners on

The first edition of the Android App Festival, took place on May 11, at Palazzo Armao in Santo Stefano di Camastra (ME). A completely free event, dedicated to developers and to all the Android fans. 

The Android App Festival is a contest organized by the four Sicilian Google Developer Group (Palermo, Catania, Nebrodi e Gela), with the purpose of spreading knowledge about developing technologies for devices based on Android operating system.

The rich program was split in two main parts: the first part was dedicated to the presentation of the 24 competing app, five slides in five minutes; the afternoon, on the contrary, was much more technical and it included alternating training sessions and seminars about technologies used for Android.

PUSH, represented by Angelo Marchesin, took part in the contest, winning the first place by submitting Palermo ONTour- an OpenData based app that schedules city tours accordingly to the time that any user has got.

A part from the great satisfaction for the victory, several awards were assigned, including a Google Nexus 7, an annual subscription to GitHub and 2 months as guests at the Working Capital Accelerator, in Catania.

Palermo onTour is already available for free on Play Store.

Download it and let us know your feedbacks!

PUSH is in a partnership with Open House Roma, the annual event- organized by the Association Open City Roma- that in a weekend gives free access to hundreds of buildings, remarkable for their architectural and artistic peculiarities. Particular attention is paid to modern and contemporary heritage, without ignoring the historical one.

The event is totally free and it makes possible the visit to all the scheduled places and events, thanks to guided tours organized by the designers and by the architecture students of Rome Universities. 

Furthermore, there will be pedestrian, cycle tours and special events aimed at discovering the hidden treasures of the Capital: these spaces are usually closed to public fruition because of their daily functions.

The App created by PUSH, will allow visitors to plan their tours during the two days of the event.

Each user will be able to explore the list of all the scheduled locations and events, sorting them accordingly to the distance measured by georeferenziation and filtering them accordingly to needs and preferences (historic period, author, date and opening hours, etc.)

They will have the opportunity to consult also technical fact sheets of each location, add them as “favourites”, book the visit and share their own experience on social networks.

The App is available both for iOS and Android devices.

For more info

PUSH takes part in the contest “ApPalermo, Palermo Open Data Contest”– promoted by the Municipality of Palermo– presenting its OpenData based app, which is able to schedule a city tour, according to the time that any user has got.

It’s a simple and innovative mechanism: by indicating starting point, interests, transport and available time, the app schedules a personalized georeferenced touristic tour, thus avoiding unpleasant surprises. The app itself, indeed, automatically shows all the open and available places within the selected time frame. It’s basically a comprehensive guide, at your fingertips, available even offline, useful to find out the most interesting places to visit and to move easily around the territory.

The tour includes the map, all the addresses and corrisponding distances, together with additional info such as opening hours, ticket prices and useful contacts. For each location there is a fact sheet full of curiosities and many tips to improve your city tour.

This initiative launched by the Municipality of Palermo is in line with the organization’s policies, because it aims at facilitating the access to public information and to improve transparency of data, increasing number and quality of digital services, available for citizens and tourists.

Palermo on Tour, currently available for Android devices, is already freely downloadable in Play Store. The iOs version will be soon implemented.

Droidcon the world event dedicated to  Android developers, makes a stop in Italy.After London, Paris, Berlin, and other European capitals, it will finally arrive in Turin, on 6-7 February 2014.

Our Pushers, Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva and Andrea Tosatto will take part to the event, organized by Synesthesia and sponsored, among others, by the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella.

This two-day of talks, hackatons, and conferences scheduled at the Centro Congressi Torino Incontra, will be a unique occasion to meet other developers, geeks, and amateurs, and to exchange views, experiment, and stay updated with all the new technologies offered by Android for the creation and development of apps on mobile devices.

Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite.

SocialMarket, the project presented in collaboration with Claudio Esposito and the team at Ines Bajardi architecture firm, is among the twenty finalists of the Smart City Challenged organized by FI WARE. FI WARE is the platform for the creation of innovative apps and the management of data on large scale, and aims at creating an ecosystem of sustainable innovation with the involvement of developers, entrepreneurs, and sponsors.

This is an important step, especially if we look at the numbers: over 400 projects presented from teams of 23 different nationalities, in several fields (cloud hosting, big data analysis, identity management, internet of things, etc.). 

 Campus Party 2014 will take place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 27 January to 2 February. The twenty finalists will be invited to submit their prototype to the technical committee that will eventually proclaim the winners of the three prizes and the two special mentions.


The experimentation of trafficO2 has officially started: the private Beta version was issued today, which 42 students of the University of Palermo selected during the workshop “Mobility, behaviors: apps”, will test on their smartphones.

This is the first step of an experimentation that aims to involve the over 60.000 students of the University of Palermo, and subsequently the entire city population.
The tester sample will be gradually extended, as well as the app functions, which will be improved and enhanced based on suggestions by the testers, who will review the app periodically.

The PUSH team is currently working on a second release, expected on December 25th, a Christmas gift in the sign of sustainability.

 Four of our PUSHers participated to the Startup Weekend Palermo – the event gathering developers, designers, business and marketing experts, product managers, and in general all those interested in the world of Internet, of mobile, of ICT and innovation – held from 29 November to 1 Dicember 2013 at ITIS Vittorio Emanuele III in Palermo.

Here we would like to congratulate Mauro Filippi, Angelo Marchesin, Alessandro Riva e Claudio Terzo that – in team with Angelo Calderone, Antonio Liuni, Mario Malcangi, and Veronica Schembri – whose idea received the second prize: Ciciro, a web and mobile platform for the promotion of the territory through food and wine excellences.


After three-days of intense work with the students of the Schools of Architecture, Engineering, and Education of the Università degli Studi in Palermo, seven new social innovation projects have been produced.

We would like to thank all the students who have worked with commitment and enthusiasm, and to their tutors who were able to inspire and guide them. Special thanks go also to the speakers that have recounted how the integration between social media, ICT, and social innovation can be of insipiration for the smart citizens of tomorrow. Invaluable collaboration also came from the staff of the Schools involved in the project, which have strongly belived in it. Finally, we want to thanks also the technical partners, which have enriched our program with several interesting initiatives. Last, but not least, thank you PUSH team!



Today at Palazzo Steri was presented a workshop organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education, to be held on 21-23 November 2013 within the project trafficO2


It is a unique opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in team with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise. “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full  three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino and Google Developer Group in Palermo. 

The students who are interested can register at filling the registration form. At the end of the workshop they will receive 3 CFU (course credits) and become testers of trafficO2: they will receive a personal alpha version of the app to be tested on their smartphone and reviewed in periodical reports allowing its enhancement by implementing new functions and improving the graphic interfance and the user experience.

This project stems from a collaboration between the students and the PUSH team, trafficO2 design company, that will lead to a gradual expansion of the number of testers, involving by 2014 all the 60,000 students of the Università degli Studi di Palermo. 

Here you shall find the folder with the press conference documentation.


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