Posts Tagged ‘unipa’

23_11_2015 ⋮


Per ridare senso a una delle piazze più grandi e importanti del capoluogo siciliano, Aisa – Associazione Italiana Studenti Architettura e Push hanno pensato di organizzare un workshop tematico, riservato a studenti universitari del Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Palermo, con lo scopo di proporre soluzioni creative e low-cost adatte a rigenerare questo spazio.

Giovedì 28 maggio 2015 nella Sala delle Capriate di Palazzo Steri PUSH, in una conferenza stampa, ha presentato i risultati ottenuti dalla sperimentazione di trafficO2. L’app, serious game per la mobilità sostenibile, è stata sviluppata nell’ambito del progetto “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation” promosso dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca.

Durante la conferenza stampa è stata raccontata la nascita del progetto, il suo sviluppo, e i dati che raccontano il cambiamento delle abitudini degli utenti che hanno giocato con l’app. Nel successivo dibattito si è discusso sullo stato della mobilità sostenibile a Palermo, delle possibilità date dal car e bike sharing e della necessità da parte delle pubbliche amministrazioni di abbracciare nuovi strumenti per incentivare gli spostamenti sostenibili.

Il dibattito, moderato il dibattito Tony Siino, blogger Rosalio – il blog di Palermo, ha visto gli interventi di:

– Ignazio Vinci, Professore di Urbanistica presso l’Università degli Studi di Palermo

– Marcello Marchese, responsabile del progetto Car Sharing Palermo

– Valentina Russo, Consulente dell’Assessorato Regionale Mobilità e Trasporti

Salvatore Di Dio, direttore di PUSH.

Sono inoltre intervenute Sarah Catalano, rappresentante di Officine Achab e Laura Malleo di Perciasacchi, che hanno riportato le proprie importanti testimonianze come partner del progetto trafficO2.

Infine i Super User Antonio Garofalo, Stefano Palma e Lorenzo Sanseverino hanno preso la parola per raccontare la propria esperienza con l’app. È stata anche l’occasione per premiare tutti i tester che hanno vinto l’ultima SUVChallenge.

La conferenza è stata organizzata dall’Associazione no profit PUSH con il patrocinio dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo.

Su Facebook è possibile vedere la gallery fotografica dell’evento e delle premiazioni.

Today, 17 November 2014, the new SUVChallenge (with SUV standing for “Sustainable Urban Values), the contest awarding the sustainable mobility of the students of the Università di Palermo, has been launched.

By moving on foot, by bike or vehicle pooling, it is possible, via an app, to accumulate O2 points allowing the students to win the prizes raffled out by the partners in the project.

This challenge is an occasion for the over-500 students who have joined the competition to test the app in advance and to actively contribute to its development.

Parallel to the community of UNIPA students, for the first time another, smaller, one will be created by invitation, comprising all those who are interested in testing the app exclusively.

The app is available for iOs and Android devices and is now at its fourth release.

For info, please refer to

Beta 0.3 version of trafficO2 has just been released with several new features. The section MOVE has new functions, like the possibility of calculating one’s itinerary and selecting the desired means of transportation, to check-in and out automatically once the destination is reached, and gain O2 points.

A community of students from the  Università degli Studi di Palermo – selected during the workshop “Mobility, behaviours: apps” held at Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri from 21-23 November 2013 – will test the new app.

The idea is that of expanding this group of testers up to the point of involving the whole body of students of the University of Palermo and other working communities.

TrafficO2 Website has a new design.

In addition to the section dedicated to the project and the experimental phase, a huge section has been devoted to the SUVChallenge, the first trafficO2 challenge involving 100 students from Palermo University who have applied to participate and become app testers.

From today, students can dowload the app and get ready for the challenge, starting on Wednesday May 28.

Go and find the rules, all the awards and partners on

The experimentation of trafficO2 has officially started: the private Beta version was issued today, which 42 students of the University of Palermo selected during the workshop “Mobility, behaviors: apps”, will test on their smartphones.

This is the first step of an experimentation that aims to involve the over 60.000 students of the University of Palermo, and subsequently the entire city population.
The tester sample will be gradually extended, as well as the app functions, which will be improved and enhanced based on suggestions by the testers, who will review the app periodically.

The PUSH team is currently working on a second release, expected on December 25th, a Christmas gift in the sign of sustainability.

After three-days of intense work with the students of the Schools of Architecture, Engineering, and Education of the Università degli Studi in Palermo, seven new social innovation projects have been produced.

We would like to thank all the students who have worked with commitment and enthusiasm, and to their tutors who were able to inspire and guide them. Special thanks go also to the speakers that have recounted how the integration between social media, ICT, and social innovation can be of insipiration for the smart citizens of tomorrow. Invaluable collaboration also came from the staff of the Schools involved in the project, which have strongly belived in it. Finally, we want to thanks also the technical partners, which have enriched our program with several interesting initiatives. Last, but not least, thank you PUSH team!


Registration to the workshop “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is now officially open. This workshop – organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and is open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education will give them the opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in interdisciplinary teams with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise

“Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full  three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino, Google Developer Group in Palermo, and

We Are Social, a conversation agency based in Milan. 

To access the requirements for admission and apply, please fill the registration form by 14 November. The students selected will be contacted to participate to the activities scheduled on 21-23 November at Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri


Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is workshop realized for the project trafficO2, a community urban mobility social network aiming at reducing traffic and pollution by trading prizes in exchange of sustainable transportation. For more info, please visit


Today at Palazzo Steri was presented a workshop organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education, to be held on 21-23 November 2013 within the project trafficO2


It is a unique opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in team with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise. “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full  three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino and Google Developer Group in Palermo. 

The students who are interested can register at filling the registration form. At the end of the workshop they will receive 3 CFU (course credits) and become testers of trafficO2: they will receive a personal alpha version of the app to be tested on their smartphone and reviewed in periodical reports allowing its enhancement by implementing new functions and improving the graphic interfance and the user experience.

This project stems from a collaboration between the students and the PUSH team, trafficO2 design company, that will lead to a gradual expansion of the number of testers, involving by 2014 all the 60,000 students of the Università degli Studi di Palermo. 

Here you shall find the folder with the press conference documentation.


Press conference for the presentation of the trafficO2  project –social network for sustainable mobility and for the “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” workshop, organized in collaboration with the University of Palermo.
The press conference will be held on October 26th at 10:30am, at the beautiful location, Sala delle Capriate of the monumental complex of Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Piazza Marina n. 41, Palermo.

For more info on the workshop clicca qui.

To attend to the press conference, enroll at Eventbrite

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