PUSH is a Lab for Social Innovation and Sustainability.
Founded in Palermo in 2013, it promotes applied-research activities in the areas of design, social sciences and digital technologies with the aim of developing solutions to enhance cities and protect the environment.
Madonie Living Lab is an innovation laboratory that supports community, administration, research and business in the implementation of new ideas and models of collaboration. Activities are developed along four main axes: the Open Innovation Platform, the Educational hub, the Idea Accelerator, and the Community Lab.
Madonie Living Lab è il laboratorio di innovazione basato nelle Madonie, in Sicilia, che mette in relazione comunità, amministrazione, ricerca e impresa. Il laboratorio prevede un piano di attività, gestite dal RTI MADLAB composto da PUSH e Avanzi, sviluppate su quattro assi: la Piattaforma di Open Innovation, l’Educational hub, l’Acceleratore di idee e il Community […]