Posts Tagged ‘smart city’

Giovedì 17 marzo alle 18.30 si svolgerà nella sede di Digital Magics Palermo, in seno alla tappa palermitana di SmArt City Italia, un appuntamento informale per discutere di Smart City da punti di vista differenti. Radici e avanguardia per una Palermo da reinventare nella sua vocazione e nel suo desiderio di sviluppo, elementi che saranno il fil rouge delle storie raccontate dagli speaker che, attraverso una presentazione creativa e non-convenzionale, prenderanno parte all’evento.

L’evento sarà un Happy Hour con la struttura di un Pecha Kucha: si tratta di una presentazione di 6 minuti e 40 secondi veloce e incisiva che riduce e condensa all’essenziale la “storia” che si vuole raccontare. Regole ben precise per limitare la creatività: decidere di mostrare solo 20 immagini e per ognuna di esse parlare 20 secondi.

Non solo il tempo e il numero di foto limitate metteranno in moto la creatività ma – dato che le slide cambiano automaticamente ogni venti secondi – si è costretti a preparare molto bene il tutto o si finirà facilmente fuori sincrono.

Il primo Pecha Kucha si è svolto a Tokyo nel 2003, da quel momento è diventato un format per eventi informali durante i quali le persone si riuniscono e condividono le loro idee e i propri progetti attraverso 20 slide.

L’evento di giovedì 17 marzo è organizzato da PUSH in collaborazione con Energia Media.
Sponsor tecnici: Digital Magics Palermo e Factory Accademia, Tenute Orestiadi.

Ecco gli speaker:

Alvise De Sanctis – Expo in città

Angelica Agnello – Orto Capovolto

Enzo Fiammetta – Fondazione Orestiadi

Morena Fanny Raimondo – MORE

Gandolfo Gabriele David – Dimora OZ

Carmela Dacchille – Edizioni Precarie

Fabio Rizzo – Indigo

La partecipazione è gratuita: sarà sufficiente registrarsi tramite Eventbrite.




Domenico Schillaci, con il progetto trafficO2, è tra i cinque vincitori degli Smart City Innovation Awards.

Si tratta di una conferenza e di una competizione che ha lo scopo di individuare, ispirare e connettere giovani innovatori e imprenditori tecnologici per avere un rapido ed efficiente successo nel settore Smart City. Partner principali dell’iniziativa sono BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas e MIT Enterprise Forum, affiliato al Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

I vincitori hanno la possibilità di presentare i propri progetti ad un pubblico composto ad hoc da investitori, imprenditori, accademici, tecnici e business leaders durante la cerimonia di premiazione che si terrà domani 11 giugno a Milano durante la Wave Exposition.

Gli Smart City Innovation Awards premieranno inoltre il miglior progetto con un viaggio per partecipare alla EmTech – la più importante conferenza globale sulle tecnologie emergenti – che avrà luogo presso il MIT Media Lab, nel cuore del MIT campus a Cambridge, Massachusetts, dal 2 al 4 novembre 2015.

L’evento ospiterà alcuni tra i principali esperti internazionali in smart city e urban mobility tra cui Carlo Ratti (DriveWave di MIT Senseable City Lab), Irene Tinagli (Membro della Camera dei Deputati del Parlamento Italiano), Umberto Malesci (CEO di Fluidmesh Networks) e Antoinette Matthews (Executive Director di MIT Enterprise Forum).

I relatori discuteranno sulle ultime tendenze globali, esperienze e best practices del mondo smart city e urban mobility.

Per PUSH è un’occasione importantissima per far conoscere il progetto trafficO2 – l’app che premia gli spostamenti sostenibili – a un pubblico di esperti del settore.

On Saturday June 14, there will be the first “Festival of the Communities for Change”, in Bologna at Palazzo Re Enzo, an event created and organized by the association RENA.

It’s an event, unique of its kind, developed for networking, organizing discussion tables and sharing experiences. It’s an opportunity for all the participants to create value, meeting each other and starting new collaborations. All the main actors of innovation in Italy, have been gathered, showing a huge interest, so that the event is sold out.

There’s a rich program, from 10 am until late in the evening.

150 organizations will attend the festival, including communities, public administrations, enterprises and 15 nationally popular speakers.

PUSH, represented by Domenico Schillaci and Salvatore Di Dio, will take part in the event. The festival is a great opportunity to meet realities who we’re already starting a collaboration with and to find new ones, but it is also an excellent opportunity to be part of the thematic tables dealing with crucial issues for the projects developed by our Association, such as social innovation, OpenData, territory promotion, crowdfunding and governance of sharing communities.

The event can be followed via live streaming or following RENA on Twitter and using the hashtag #RENAfestival created for the event.

After the success of the 2013 edition, this year PUSH was again selected among the two hundred participants to Expo delle Startup in Milan, at Palazzo Lombardia on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 June.

For this occasion we made a video narrating the first year of our activity. You can view it here (and also use it to keep on voting for it or to share it on social networks).

This third edition of the event fits in the larger context of Cross Creativity program, a festival organized by Regione Lombardia in order to promote innovation, culture, and creativity, through a program full of initiatives.

This is s an unmissable date for startuppers and investors, an opportunity to meet, share ideas, and experiences in several fields: advertising, gaming, tourism, culture, desing/architecture, and the digital world.

For info, please visit the official website

PUSH participates to “Mobility and Urban Logistics”, a seminary organized for a local educational course in Management of Smart City, realized thanks to the collaboration between Turin Municipality and Politecnico di Torino. This discussion on trends, products, services, and projects will open today at 10 am.

This afternoon, at 2.30, there will be a talk by Salvatore Di Dio, who will tell about trafficO2 project. Other papers will address issues related to mobility systems for the citizens between best practices and future perspectives.

SocialMarket, the project presented in collaboration with Claudio Esposito and the team at Ines Bajardi architecture firm, is among the twenty finalists of the Smart City Challenged organized by FI WARE. FI WARE is the platform for the creation of innovative apps and the management of data on large scale, and aims at creating an ecosystem of sustainable innovation with the involvement of developers, entrepreneurs, and sponsors.

This is an important step, especially if we look at the numbers: over 400 projects presented from teams of 23 different nationalities, in several fields (cloud hosting, big data analysis, identity management, internet of things, etc.). 

 Campus Party 2014 will take place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 27 January to 2 February. The twenty finalists will be invited to submit their prototype to the technical committee that will eventually proclaim the winners of the three prizes and the two special mentions.


The experimentation of trafficO2 has officially started: the private Beta version was issued today, which 42 students of the University of Palermo selected during the workshop “Mobility, behaviors: apps”, will test on their smartphones.

This is the first step of an experimentation that aims to involve the over 60.000 students of the University of Palermo, and subsequently the entire city population.
The tester sample will be gradually extended, as well as the app functions, which will be improved and enhanced based on suggestions by the testers, who will review the app periodically.

The PUSH team is currently working on a second release, expected on December 25th, a Christmas gift in the sign of sustainability.

After three-days of intense work with the students of the Schools of Architecture, Engineering, and Education of the Università degli Studi in Palermo, seven new social innovation projects have been produced.

We would like to thank all the students who have worked with commitment and enthusiasm, and to their tutors who were able to inspire and guide them. Special thanks go also to the speakers that have recounted how the integration between social media, ICT, and social innovation can be of insipiration for the smart citizens of tomorrow. Invaluable collaboration also came from the staff of the Schools involved in the project, which have strongly belived in it. Finally, we want to thanks also the technical partners, which have enriched our program with several interesting initiatives. Last, but not least, thank you PUSH team!


We have just landed in Spain to participate to the third edition of di Smart City Expo, the world most important event regarding smart cities, which will take place on 19-21 November 2013 in Barcelona. Over 300 hundred experts and policy makers from all over the world will present the projects and the most innovative solutions to make the city users’ daily experience truly smart.

“Setting the Stage for a Smarter World” is the theme of the 2013 edition, where PUSH will participate with trafficO2 within the area devoted to Italian projects at the PONREC. This event is a prestigious international showcase, but also a unique occasion to exchange experiences and plan the development of the smart cities of the future.

row’s smart cities.


Tomorrow, at the Centro sperimentale di cinematografia in Palermo will be held a local seminar for planning Sicily’s participation at the Italian pavilion at EXPO 2015


The event, which will take place in Milan from 1 May to 31 October, is dedicated to the topic “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” and is going to be of great national and international appeal. EXPO and Padiglione Italia aim at becoming the messengers of a proactive vision of Italian culture and economy and of their main actors. They mean to do so by granting visibility and support to those projects and practices that will take us into the future, stimulating the desire of improvement and growth, coortinating and enhancing the Italian socio-economic system so to offer to the world the best image possible of Italy and its territory.

In order to highlight what content regional and local institutions will be taking to Expo 2015, Padiglione Italia, in agreement with EXPO Direction Board and also with the contribution of Censis, organizes a series of local seminars for participation planning entitled “EXPO 2015 for Italy”. These are occasions aimed at auditing local authorities and their representatives in order to envisage an articulated and engaging image of Italy that can look at the future from the viewpoint of its historical riches and cultural identity.


Among the speakers of the seminar “Forum for Sicily” there will be also PUSH’s President Salvatore di Dio, who will gather PUSH’s social innovation projects. He is strongly committed to work for Palermo and its citizens by laying the groundwork for tomorrow’s smart cities through projects that are simple, effective, sustaimable, and able to trigger new urban and social policies.


The seminar will be held tomorrow, Tuesday 12 November at Cantieri culturali alla Zisa – Pad. 4, Via P. Gili, 4, in Palermo.

Registration to the workshop “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is now officially open. This workshop – organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and is open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education will give them the opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in interdisciplinary teams with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise

“Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full  three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino, Google Developer Group in Palermo, and

We Are Social, a conversation agency based in Milan. 

To access the requirements for admission and apply, please fill the registration form by 14 November. The students selected will be contacted to participate to the activities scheduled on 21-23 November at Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri


Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is workshop realized for the project trafficO2, a community urban mobility social network aiming at reducing traffic and pollution by trading prizes in exchange of sustainable transportation. For more info, please visit


Today at Palazzo Steri was presented a workshop organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education, to be held on 21-23 November 2013 within the project trafficO2


It is a unique opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in team with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise. “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full  three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino and Google Developer Group in Palermo. 

The students who are interested can register at filling the registration form. At the end of the workshop they will receive 3 CFU (course credits) and become testers of trafficO2: they will receive a personal alpha version of the app to be tested on their smartphone and reviewed in periodical reports allowing its enhancement by implementing new functions and improving the graphic interfance and the user experience.

This project stems from a collaboration between the students and the PUSH team, trafficO2 design company, that will lead to a gradual expansion of the number of testers, involving by 2014 all the 60,000 students of the Università degli Studi di Palermo. 

Here you shall find the folder with the press conference documentation.


Press conference for the presentation of the trafficO2  project –social network for sustainable mobility and for the “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” workshop, organized in collaboration with the University of Palermo.
The press conference will be held on October 26th at 10:30am, at the beautiful location, Sala delle Capriate of the monumental complex of Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Piazza Marina n. 41, Palermo.

For more info on the workshop clicca qui.

To attend to the press conference, enroll at Eventbrite

Slowscape, the project for the refunctionalization of Puglia’s coastal defensive system envisaged by architect Claudio Esposito in cooperation with PUSH, has been selected to be among the thirty semifinalists for ARS – Arte che realizza occupazione sociale at the Fondazione Italiana Accenture.

This is an important achievement, especially if we look at the following figures: 514 applications from 1,240 participants in six different areas. (All data can be found in the official infographic prospectus.)

The next phase of evaluation of the projects presented will begin on 26 July to end on 10 September, when the Technical Committee will select the ten finalist projects, that is, the ten ideas than better than any other will be able to create economically sustainable jobs and to enhance, at the same time, the national cultural heritage.

Here the video about Slowscape.

At the top of the list of pitch videos with over 1,400 likes, TrafficO2’s pitch is awarded the participation to the Fiera delle Startup organized by Gruppo 24 Ore to promote an encounter between startuppers and investors.

This event, now at its second edition, is realized in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore, Radio 24, Startuppami, and Startupbusiness and will take place Monday 17 June in Milan, via Monte Rosa, 91.

It will be a creativity contest, where two hundreds startups grouped by thematic areas, will compete for the attention of visitors and investors.

The program of the event also includes in depth analysis and discussions on the creation and management of a startup, moments for debating on innovations (from crowdfunding to crowdsourcing), a virtual tour of the Fiera aftermath, and even a flashmob.

Admission is free. For more information, please visit the official site.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
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