Today, 17 November 2014, the new SUVChallenge (with SUV standing for “Sustainable Urban Values), the contest awarding the sustainable mobility of the students of the Università di Palermo, has been launched.
By moving on foot, by bike or vehicle pooling, it is possible, via an app, to accumulate O2 points allowing the students to win the prizes raffled out by the partners in the project.
This challenge is an occasion for the over-500 students who have joined the competition to test the app in advance and to actively contribute to its development.
Parallel to the community of UNIPA students, for the first time another, smaller, one will be created by invitation, comprising all those who are interested in testing the app exclusively.
The app is available for iOs and Android devices and is now at its fourth release.
For info, please refer to
Another success for Palermo On Tour: this app, which allow the planning of geo-localized touristic itineraries depending on the at one’s disposition, has won the second prize of “ApPalermo, Palermo Open Data Contest”.
The contest was launched by Palermo Municipality with the objective of promoting the development apps based on Open Data provided by the Municipality itself. As a consequence, the public could have an easier access to a massive deal of information and the number and quality of the digital services for the citizens and the tourists could improve.
Palermo On Tour that besides creating customized intineraries, provides useful information to the tourists and can be also accessed offline, lived up to the competition, winning the second prize: 5,000 EUR that will be reinvested to improve the app functionality. On the website of Palermo Municipality it is possible to access to the list of prizewinners.
The app Palermo On Tour has recently worn the Mob App Awards 2014 in the category “Travels and Tourism” and also the first prize at the Android App Festival.
The app is available for Android and downloadable for free on Play Store.
“Palermo Pulita” is an app developed by Social Street Palermo allowing the user to report the presence of trash, illegal dumping grounds, and damages to urban decoration in the area of the city of Palermo.
The use of the app is simple and immediate: to make a report is sufficient to take a picture in real time, select on the app the category of the issue reported (illegal dumoing grounds, dangerous waste, urban waste, and damages to urban decoration), and send the geolocalized information to the server. The app collects the reports anonymously and the data gathered will be then shown on a density map on this page: As a consequence, it will be easy to understand which areas need urgent interventions.
PUSH, which subscribes to the values underlying the civic activities of Social Street Palermo’s concerned and participatory community, has realized the iOs version of “Palermo Pulita” app, downloadable here.