Posts Tagged ‘milano’

The experience launched through “Palermo Città Aumentata” is landing in the suburbs of Milan.

Thanks to the Municipality of Milan and its call “Bando alle periferie” that recently funded 14 cultural projects in the areas of Giambellino-Lorenteggio, Adriano-Padova-Rizzoli, Corvetto-Chiaravalle-Porto di Mare, Niguarda-Bovisa e Qt8-Gallaratese, the “Augmented Street Art” arrived in Milan.

Designed by a consortium including the social cooperative Bepart (leader), PUSH, the cultural and creativity center BASE Milano, the publishing house Terre di mezzo Editore, the school of photography Cfp Bauer and the Foundation Arrigo e Pia Pini, the project “Milano Città Aumentata” includes very different activities: photography workshops, mapping of the urban art heritage in the 5 areas, animation design labs for the realization of augmented reality works, a paper catalog, a digital map with the opportunity to register for guided tours in the first widespread museum of augmented street art, an exhibition and much more.

On Street Art Factory website you will find all the information about the workshops and project activities. Moreover, the map of the street art works of the suburbs of Milan will be available soon.

Dopo il successo di Palermo onTour, l’app che permette di pianificare tour personalizzati nel capoluogo siciliano, premiata dal Google Developers Group Sicilia e allo Smau come miglior progetto legato al turismo, PUSH. presenta Open Tour.

L’applicazione per smartphone, lanciata in esclusiva a Milano, permette di creare degli itinerari su misura sfruttando gli Open Data, dati liberamente accessibili a tutti e caratterizzati da licenze di distribuzione che ne permettono la fruizione e diffusione da parte degli utenti.  È disponibile per i dispositivi Android e scaricabile gratuitamente dal Play Store.

Semplice e intuitivo il suo funzionamento: indicando il tempo a propria disposizione, il proprio punto di partenza e cosa si è interessati a visitare, l’app genererà un percorso turistico personalizzato, fornendo informazioni utili sui luoghi da visitare e – naturalmente – una mappa.  Grazie agli Open Data l‘algoritmo sviluppato da PUSH è in grado inoltre di calcolare in quanto tempo è possibile raggiungere un qualunque sito e se questo sarà aperto e visitabile al proprio arrivo.

Pensando inoltre ai turisti che spesso non dispongono di una connessione internet all’estero, l’app – disponibile anche in inglese – funziona perfettamente offline.

Open Tour però è soprattutto un progetto collaborativo: attraverso un meccanismo basato sulla condivisione dei contenuti, è pensata per essere disponibile per infinite città. Chiunque infatti attraverso il sito può candidarsi per realizzare il dataset della propria città contribuendo alla crescita e alla diffusione dell’app.



Grandi novità sul fronte di trafficO2: l’app che premia gli spostamenti sostenibili è approdata anche a Milano e Roma.

Dopo aver ricompensato l’eco-sostenibilità degli studenti palermitani, l’app ha aperto la sfida anche a tutti gli utenti della Capitale e del capoluogo lombardo; non solo agli studenti, ma anche a chi si sposta quotidianamente per andare al lavoro decidendo di farlo rispettando l’ambiente: a piedi, in bici, condividendo i mezzi (auto e moto) e prendendo i mezzi pubblici.

Tre quindi le community in gioco: Palermo Connection, Roma Capoccia e Mia Bela Madunina.

Ogni community partecipa alla propria Sfida Generale e  alle sotto-sfide dedicate alla tipologia di mezzo scelto o del percorso fatto, per le quali potrà vincere dei badge, altra novità dell’app.

Gli utenti delle tre communities poi si sfidano nel Campionato Italiano, che premierà l’utente che tra tutte e tre città avrà accumulato più punti: un riconoscimento virtuale ma comunque apprezzabile!

Novità anche tra i premi: per i primi classificati delle sfide di Milano e Roma un volo a/r per Palermo, i gadget firmati trafficO2 per i secondi e terzi classificati.

Per gli utenti di Palermo premi-esperienze offerti da partner dell’associazione: dal laboratorio creativo con Edizioni Precarie al co-working di PMO, dalla lezione di cucina con lo chef Cammarata al corso di stampa 3D del FabLab, le sorprese sono tutte nuove e da scoprire.

È ancora possibile registrarsi e partecipare alla Secret Challenge, che durerà fino al 27 luglio.
Per ogni community è stato predisposto un gruppo di assistenza su Facebook:


Tutte le info e i regolamenti sono disponibili sul sito


Also this year at SMAU Milan was held the Mob App Awards 2014, where the best apps addressed to consumers and businesses and those still at the development stage are award.

The goal of the contest is to support the culture of innovation in the mobile context, by generating a virtuous process where experiences of excellence can be shared among developers, businesses, the Public Administration, mobile operators and users.

Palermo On Tour – PUSH’s application based on OpenData and planning tours of the city depending on the time at one’s disposition – is one of the twenty-seven finalists.


This app works very easily: by indicating the starting point of a your, together with one’s interests, the means of transportation selected, and at the time at disposition, the app generates a dedicated and geo-localized touristic itinerary that includes only the places that are open and accessible at the time indicated. 


The award ceremony will be on 24 October in Milan. For more information, please visit the contest website. The app is downloadable here.

Update: Palermo On Tour has won the Mob App Award 2014 in the category “Travels and Tourism”!



On 22-24 October in Milan will be held Fieramilanocity SMAU, an event dedicated to technology and innovation. MIUR will be present in the Open Innovation area together with the fourteen winners of the competition “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation”.

The fourteen innovative projects will be presented in a dedicated exhibiting space in order to promote their business ideas and projects, exchange information, and network. Among these, trafficO2, the market-based social computing project for the mobility of urban communities developed by PUSH.

During the three-day event, more than twenty educational workshops will be held by

instructors, analysts, experts in funding for businesses and startups, smart working, open innovation, crowdsourcing, and much more.


Finally on Friday 24 October at 1 pm the innovative projects regarding Smart City and Social Innovation, including trafficO2, will be introduced in only 90 seconds in a speed pitching moderated by Emil Abirascid.

After the success of the 2013 edition, this year PUSH was again selected among the two hundred participants to Expo delle Startup in Milan, at Palazzo Lombardia on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 June.

For this occasion we made a video narrating the first year of our activity. You can view it here (and also use it to keep on voting for it or to share it on social networks).

This third edition of the event fits in the larger context of Cross Creativity program, a festival organized by Regione Lombardia in order to promote innovation, culture, and creativity, through a program full of initiatives.

This is s an unmissable date for startuppers and investors, an opportunity to meet, share ideas, and experiences in several fields: advertising, gaming, tourism, culture, desing/architecture, and the digital world.

Admission is free. 

For info, please visit the official website

Tomorrow, at the Centro sperimentale di cinematografia in Palermo will be held a local seminar for planning Sicily’s participation at the Italian pavilion at EXPO 2015


The event, which will take place in Milan from 1 May to 31 October, is dedicated to the topic “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” and is going to be of great national and international appeal. EXPO and Padiglione Italia aim at becoming the messengers of a proactive vision of Italian culture and economy and of their main actors. They mean to do so by granting visibility and support to those projects and practices that will take us into the future, stimulating the desire of improvement and growth, coortinating and enhancing the Italian socio-economic system so to offer to the world the best image possible of Italy and its territory.

In order to highlight what content regional and local institutions will be taking to Expo 2015, Padiglione Italia, in agreement with EXPO Direction Board and also with the contribution of Censis, organizes a series of local seminars for participation planning entitled “EXPO 2015 for Italy”. These are occasions aimed at auditing local authorities and their representatives in order to envisage an articulated and engaging image of Italy that can look at the future from the viewpoint of its historical riches and cultural identity.


Among the speakers of the seminar “Forum for Sicily” there will be also PUSH’s President Salvatore di Dio, who will gather PUSH’s social innovation projects. He is strongly committed to work for Palermo and its citizens by laying the groundwork for tomorrow’s smart cities through projects that are simple, effective, sustaimable, and able to trigger new urban and social policies.


The seminar will be held tomorrow, Tuesday 12 November at Cantieri culturali alla Zisa – Pad. 4, Via P. Gili, 4, in Palermo.

At the top of the list of pitch videos with over 1,400 likes, TrafficO2’s pitch is awarded the participation to the Fiera delle Startup organized by Gruppo 24 Ore to promote an encounter between startuppers and investors.

This event, now at its second edition, is realized in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore, Radio 24, Startuppami, and Startupbusiness and will take place Monday 17 June in Milan, via Monte Rosa, 91.

It will be a creativity contest, where two hundreds startups grouped by thematic areas, will compete for the attention of visitors and investors.

The program of the event also includes in depth analysis and discussions on the creation and management of a startup, moments for debating on innovations (from crowdfunding to crowdsourcing), a virtual tour of the Fiera aftermath, and even a flashmob.

Admission is free. For more information, please visit the official site.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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