Posts Tagged ‘università degli studi di Palermo’

Beta 0.3 version of trafficO2 has just been released with several new features. The section MOVE has new functions, like the possibility of calculating one’s itinerary and selecting the desired means of transportation, to check-in and out automatically once the destination is reached, and gain O2 points.

A community of students from the  Università degli Studi di Palermo – selected during the workshop “Mobility, behaviours: apps” held at Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri from 21-23 November 2013 – will test the new app.

The idea is that of expanding this group of testers up to the point of involving the whole body of students of the University of Palermo and other working communities.


Today at Palazzo Steri was presented a workshop organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education, to be held on 21-23 November 2013 within the project trafficO2


It is a unique opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in team with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise. “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full  three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino and Google Developer Group in Palermo. 

The students who are interested can register at filling the registration form. At the end of the workshop they will receive 3 CFU (course credits) and become testers of trafficO2: they will receive a personal alpha version of the app to be tested on their smartphone and reviewed in periodical reports allowing its enhancement by implementing new functions and improving the graphic interfance and the user experience.

This project stems from a collaboration between the students and the PUSH team, trafficO2 design company, that will lead to a gradual expansion of the number of testers, involving by 2014 all the 60,000 students of the Università degli Studi di Palermo. 

Here you shall find the folder with the press conference documentation.


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