Posts Tagged ‘wepush’

After the successful first edition in 2013, Invasioni Digitali (Digital Invasions) is back in Palermo for the second year. It is a national network of events aimed at disseminating and increasing the value of the national artistic and cultural heritage by using the social media.

The event will be held Sunday 4 May at the cry #INVADO IL MASSIMO: Massimo Theatre will be “invaded” by digital innovation buffs that with their smartphones will share their experience on the social networks.

The invasion will begin at 10 am and it will include guided tours inside the building designed by Basile (there will be a 3 EUR reduced ticket price including also edutainment tours offered by Fondazione Teatro Massimo).

The visitors will have the opportunity to visit the great hall, the Royal box, the representation rooms, and, exceptionally for this event, also the stage. The tour will also include the visit to the exhibition “Mozart at the Teatro Massimo”, displaying sketches, fashion-plates, costumes and props and where it will also be possible to use and photograph the wind machine and immortalize yourself as the Commendatore statue, the famous character of Mozart’s Don Giovanni.

All the participants will be able to share their posts on the main social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube, by using the hashtags #invadoilMassimo and #invasionidigitali. All the contents will be collected on the web-portal

Instagramers Palermo is a partner of #InvadoilMassimo, so on the event day by adding the hashtag #igerspalermo to the pictures, they will be grouped with all the other pictures within our Instagramers community.

The event organization is managed by the non-profit association PUSH in collaboration with Ars Mediterranea and Iride_work in pixel, a crossmedia production studio that once again will be in charge of narrating the event through a video and a photographic reportage.

PUSH will participate to the Giornata Mondiale dell’Architettura dell’Informazione to be held (also) in Siracusa on 15 February 2014.

An annual event taking place simultaneously in 24 different cities in the world to promote a discipline that, by structuring experiences, words, and messages and by projecting relations between services providers and users, deals with the organization of information so that they can be easily accessed and readily conveyable.


Several experts from academia and from the world of work will be participating to a global discussion on the premises and opportunities of Information Architecture, for a better understanding the role of our activity within companies and institutions.

The event will take place at Impact Hub Siracusa. 


Here’s the complete program. Participation is free. Please register at Eventbrite to reserve a seat.


There were positive results from the experience in Brazil, where Claudio Esposito, Mauro Filippi and Andrea Tosatto presented to the jury of the Fi-Ware Smart Cities Challenge project, The Social Market: a platform designed to encourage and reward positive action within target communities, realised in collaboration with the team of Ines Bajardi.

This was a busy week, during which the FI- WARE technical committee – made up of computer scientists and specialised developers – has helped to develop a prototype for viewing at the final presentation and must meet the requirements within the technological landscape of the Campus Party Brasil, the hosts of the competition.

The jury at the end of the work awarded the 3 winning projects: Fi-Guardian by Marcos Marconi (Brazil), Sparky app by Alejandro Santamaria (Mexico) and Smartbox by Romero Alvaro Izquierdo (Spain). In addition, two special mentions: “Most Innovative App” for Smart City App by Daniel Menchaca (Spain) and “Young developer” for Smart Zity by Alberto Martin Alcubierre (Spain).

This is the list of proposed projects and those rewarded. We are already at work for the edition in 2015.

After three-days of intense work with the students of the Schools of Architecture, Engineering, and Education of the Università degli Studi in Palermo, seven new social innovation projects have been produced.

We would like to thank all the students who have worked with commitment and enthusiasm, and to their tutors who were able to inspire and guide them. Special thanks go also to the speakers that have recounted how the integration between social media, ICT, and social innovation can be of insipiration for the smart citizens of tomorrow. Invaluable collaboration also came from the staff of the Schools involved in the project, which have strongly belived in it. Finally, we want to thanks also the technical partners, which have enriched our program with several interesting initiatives. Last, but not least, thank you PUSH team!


Registration to the workshop “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is now officially open. This workshop – organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and is open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education will give them the opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in interdisciplinary teams with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise

“Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full  three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino, Google Developer Group in Palermo, and

We Are Social, a conversation agency based in Milan. 

To access the requirements for admission and apply, please fill the registration form by 14 November. The students selected will be contacted to participate to the activities scheduled on 21-23 November at Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri


Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is workshop realized for the project trafficO2, a community urban mobility social network aiming at reducing traffic and pollution by trading prizes in exchange of sustainable transportation. For more info, please visit

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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