On 22-24 October in Milan will be held Fieramilanocity SMAU, an event dedicated to technology and innovation. MIUR will be present in the Open Innovation area together with the fourteen winners of the competition “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation”.
The fourteen innovative projects will be presented in a dedicated exhibiting space in order to promote their business ideas and projects, exchange information, and network. Among these, trafficO2, the market-based social computing project for the mobility of urban communities developed by PUSH.
During the three-day event, more than twenty educational workshops will be held by
instructors, analysts, experts in funding for businesses and startups, smart working, open innovation, crowdsourcing, and much more.
Finally on Friday 24 October at 1 pm the innovative projects regarding Smart City and Social Innovation, including trafficO2, will be introduced in only 90 seconds in a speed pitching moderated by Emil Abirascid.
Droidcon the world event dedicated to Android developers, makes a stop in Italy.After London, Paris, Berlin, and other European capitals, it will finally arrive in Turin, on 6-7 February 2014.
Our Pushers, Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva and Andrea Tosatto will take part to the event, organized by Synesthesia and sponsored, among others, by the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella.
This two-day of talks, hackatons, and conferences scheduled at the Centro Congressi Torino Incontra, will be a unique occasion to meet other developers, geeks, and amateurs, and to exchange views, experiment, and stay updated with all the new technologies offered by Android for the creation and development of apps on mobile devices.
Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite.
Sicily hub-net of the Mediterranean: from the fishing nets to the Internet, through the logistical nets. Two days of workshops and seminars – organized by the Port Authority of Palermo, TTL Sicily e TTS – dedicated to exploring the scenarios in which the city of Palermo traces its prospective path toward the major building projects, programmed to be held on the 16th and 17th of December at the Port Authority of Palermo – Stella Maris Hall (Via Piano dell’Ucciardone n.4)
The central theme is a “gateway”: a step, a doorway that allows the passage of people, goods, thoughts and information. Ports, train stations and airports are in fact the current doorway to the contemporary cities, through which information flows, that is economic, social, cultural and environmental.
In this context of analysis of urban events in and through gateways, there will also be a speech by Salvatore Di Dio who will discuss PUSH’s commitment to create a smart hub that will be able to promote and share information for a realistic and sustainable change of the urban and social policies.
The appointment is set for December 17th at 11.30 am.
trafficO2 will participate to the Startup Iniative, the project promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo as accelerating platform for the most innovative startup in the following five areas: mobile; biotechnologies and health; nanotechnologies and materials; renewable energies; social ventures and startup with high social impact.
It will be two events in one single day. The presentation of traffic02 will take place at the Fiera delle Startup where PUSH will be present with its own counter display at the Sole 24 Ore HQ in Milan, via Monte Rosa, 91.
The appointment there is for 17 June, at 3 pm.
In only four years, there have been over sixty successful cases of operators that have joined Startup Initiative, now at its tenth edition. The goal is that of supporting for the world of innovation by offering educational services and a permanent scouting among incubators and contests for the sector, guiding start uppers towards the exit phase.
lso, by participating to this event, trafficO2 will be given the possibility to access Mobicap, the arena meeting addressed to Italian and international companies, institutions, and investors to become familiar with the most innovative projects in the areas of mobility, ICT, and mobile services.