The Urban Thinkers Campus will be held in Caserta at the Belvedere di San Leucio on 15-18 October. This is an initiative of the UN-Habitat that, in association with the Forum delle Culture di Napoli e della Campania, will explore the theme “The City We Need”. The goal of the campus is to bring together urban thinkers, philosophers, writers, journalists, bloggers, urban planners and designers, city leaders and decision makers, businessmen, marketing and communication experts, and all those that in various ways are interested in the topics connected to urban policies, which will mark the approach of Habitat III.
Within this grand event we will have our own space on Wednesday 15, from 2 to 4 pm. The topic of our session is “The City as a Service”, where speakers will talk about a new approach in designing services for the city, an approach having at its center the citizens conceived as a community.
Featured speakers:
Antonio Prigiobbo – Campania StartUp, NAStartUp
Michele D’Ambrosio – Isola Nova Associazione CleaNAP
Claudio Esposito – Studio Ines Bajardi AA
Program of the session:
14:00 – 14:10 Registration of participants
14:10 – 14:20 Introduction to the session “The City as a Service – The City as Service Provider” (Domenico Schillaci – PUSH);
14:20 – 15:20 Speakers’ papers
15:20 – 15:50 Round-table: “Shared Strategies and Best Practices to Plan the City of the Future) (moderator Mauro Filippi – PUSH);
15:50 – 16:00 Closing remarks.
The admission is free, but it is necessary to register on the website.
Today in Rome there’s an interesting meeting about the future of housing communities and we have been invited to share our point of view, together with our friend Ines Bajardi.
Federazione-Confcooperative is an active organization in the private social housing sector and it represents 2128 enterprises for 113.508 partners and approximately € 5.3 billion of invested capital.
During the meeting the most complicated issues related to design of cities and urban communities have been discussed, from energy efficiency to social services, from recovery and recycle of manifactures, to business incubators and social innovation.
Our contribution fits in the wake of the work developed by the professors Sergio Porta, Alessandro Rosina and Federica Viganò entitled “The future of housing: housing cooperatives’ paths through and beyond the crisis”.
There were positive results from the experience in Brazil, where Claudio Esposito, Mauro Filippi and Andrea Tosatto presented to the jury of the Fi-Ware Smart Cities Challenge project, The Social Market: a platform designed to encourage and reward positive action within target communities, realised in collaboration with the team of Ines Bajardi.
This was a busy week, during which the FI- WARE technical committee – made up of computer scientists and specialised developers – has helped to develop a prototype for viewing at the final presentation and must meet the requirements within the technological landscape of the Campus Party Brasil, the hosts of the competition.
The jury at the end of the work awarded the 3 winning projects: Fi-Guardian by Marcos Marconi (Brazil), Sparky app by Alejandro Santamaria (Mexico) and Smartbox by Romero Alvaro Izquierdo (Spain). In addition, two special mentions: “Most Innovative App” for Smart City App by Daniel Menchaca (Spain) and “Young developer” for Smart Zity by Alberto Martin Alcubierre (Spain).
This is the list of proposed projects and those rewarded. We are already at work for the edition in 2015.
SocialMarket, the project presented in collaboration with Claudio Esposito and the team at Ines Bajardi architecture firm, is among the twenty finalists of the Smart City Challenged organized by FI WARE. FI WARE is the platform for the creation of innovative apps and the management of data on large scale, and aims at creating an ecosystem of sustainable innovation with the involvement of developers, entrepreneurs, and sponsors.
This is an important step, especially if we look at the numbers: over 400 projects presented from teams of 23 different nationalities, in several fields (cloud hosting, big data analysis, identity management, internet of things, etc.).
Campus Party 2014 will take place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 27 January to 2 February. The twenty finalists will be invited to submit their prototype to the technical committee that will eventually proclaim the winners of the three prizes and the two special mentions.