Posts Tagged ‘mobilità’

The Smart Mobility World, a crucial European event for the XXI century world of mobility, will be held on 12-14 November in Turin at Centro Congressi Lingotto. The goal of this event, which will gather in Turin companies, institutions, and experts committed to the development of forms of transportations more and more sustainable, is to offer a complete overview of current and future smart mobility on an international level.

Within this context, there will be an area devoted to PONREC (MIUR’s National Operative Program “Research and Competitiveness” 2007-2013) and to the eight winning projects of the competition “Smart Cities and Community and Social Innovation”, projects focused on sustainable mobility. They will be part of the dense program including conferences, workshops, and a series of encounters with Italian and international experts in the field of smart mobility.

Among the featured projects there will be also trafficO2, the smartphone app developed by PUSH aiming at reducing pollution and encourage sustainable transportation. On Friday 14 November, starting at 9.30 am in the “Dublino” hall there will be a talk entitled “Sharing mobility. Taxi, ncc, car sharing, car pooling, car rental, etc. become digital, shared, and social: solutions and critical issues”, during which Salvatore Di Dio, PUSH president, will tell about trafficO2.

For the European Week of Sustainable Mobility, Rome will host the Annual Workshop of Mobility Managers, those who in a company have the task of optimizing the employees’ mobility.

For Rome Municipality it is an occasion to exchange views with the mobility managers and discuss of the programs that should be implemented to have a more and more effective sustainable mobility capable of meeting the population’s needs.

PUSH, represented by Deomenico Schillaci, will introduce trafficO2 to the mobility managers, explaining how its adoption on the part of a company-like community can lead to very good results and have a significant impact in terms of sustainable mobility.

The workshop will be held from 3 to 5 pm at Università di Roma Tre, in the Aula Magna Rettorato, on via Ostiense, 159.

TrafficO2 Website has a new design.

In addition to the section dedicated to the project and the experimental phase, a huge section has been devoted to the SUVChallenge, the first trafficO2 challenge involving 100 students from Palermo University who have applied to participate and become app testers.

From today, students can dowload the app and get ready for the challenge, starting on Wednesday May 28.

Go and find the rules, all the awards and partners on

After the success of the 2013 edition, this year PUSH was again selected among the two hundred participants to Expo delle Startup in Milan, at Palazzo Lombardia on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 June.

For this occasion we made a video narrating the first year of our activity. You can view it here (and also use it to keep on voting for it or to share it on social networks).

This third edition of the event fits in the larger context of Cross Creativity program, a festival organized by Regione Lombardia in order to promote innovation, culture, and creativity, through a program full of initiatives.

This is s an unmissable date for startuppers and investors, an opportunity to meet, share ideas, and experiences in several fields: advertising, gaming, tourism, culture, desing/architecture, and the digital world.

For info, please visit the official website

PUSH participates to “Mobility and Urban Logistics”, a seminary organized for a local educational course in Management of Smart City, realized thanks to the collaboration between Turin Municipality and Politecnico di Torino. This discussion on trends, products, services, and projects will open today at 10 am.

This afternoon, at 2.30, there will be a talk by Salvatore Di Dio, who will tell about trafficO2 project. Other papers will address issues related to mobility systems for the citizens between best practices and future perspectives.

The experimentation of trafficO2 has officially started: the private Beta version was issued today, which 42 students of the University of Palermo selected during the workshop “Mobility, behaviors: apps”, will test on their smartphones.

This is the first step of an experimentation that aims to involve the over 60.000 students of the University of Palermo, and subsequently the entire city population.
The tester sample will be gradually extended, as well as the app functions, which will be improved and enhanced based on suggestions by the testers, who will review the app periodically.

The PUSH team is currently working on a second release, expected on December 25th, a Christmas gift in the sign of sustainability.

Registration to the workshop “Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is now officially open. This workshop – organized in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Palermo and is open to the students of the School of Architecture, Engineering, and Education will give them the opportunity to work concretely on a social innovation project in interdisciplinary teams with colleagues of other schools and coordinated by tutors that will offer their technical and professional expertise

“Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” will be a full  three-day event rich in initiatives where project will be concretely designed and there will be in-depth discussions on specific topics, also thanks to the collaboration with two technical partners, the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turino, Google Developer Group in Palermo, and

We Are Social, a conversation agency based in Milan. 

To access the requirements for admission and apply, please fill the registration form by 14 November. The students selected will be contacted to participate to the activities scheduled on 21-23 November at Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri


Mobility, Behaviors: Apps” is workshop realized for the project trafficO2, a community urban mobility social network aiming at reducing traffic and pollution by trading prizes in exchange of sustainable transportation. For more info, please visit

trafficO2 was in San Vito Lo Capo for the SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival, the international festival dedicated to documentaries, shorts, and animation movies treating themes connected to the environment, sustainability, and human rights. In the occasion of its fifth edition, a special section with shorts on sustainable mobility has been launched.

The festival, promoted by the San Vito Lo Capo Municipality, Demetra Produzioni and by the cultural association Cantiere 7, is sponsored by DESS (Decennale Educazione e Sviluppo Sostenibile) of  the National Commission UNESCO. It also features a collaboration with Filmoteca Regionale Siciliana.

The program of the event aims at disseminating a culture of sustainability based on a vision of a long-term development that could benefit all the populations on the planet, both present and future, by integrating itself with the needs of preservation of natural resources and ecosystems, within a framework of mutual support.

Great attention will be paid to light mobility, with a new competitive section of the festival where the sustainable means of transportation become movie subjects. In addition, there will be space for debate with a round-table entitled “Nuove idee per la mobilità nuova”, where PUSH will present the project trafficO2. The associations  FIAB and Mobilita Palermo will be among the featured participants.

“Nuove idee per la mobilità nuova” is scheduled for Thursday 11 July at 6.30 pm in Piazza Santuario, in San Vito Lo Capo near Trapani.

The festival will end on 14 July. Click here for the complete program.

At the top of the list of pitch videos with over 1,400 likes, TrafficO2’s pitch is awarded the participation to the Fiera delle Startup organized by Gruppo 24 Ore to promote an encounter between startuppers and investors.

This event, now at its second edition, is realized in collaboration with Il Sole 24 Ore, Radio 24, Startuppami, and Startupbusiness and will take place Monday 17 June in Milan, via Monte Rosa, 91.

It will be a creativity contest, where two hundreds startups grouped by thematic areas, will compete for the attention of visitors and investors.

The program of the event also includes in depth analysis and discussions on the creation and management of a startup, moments for debating on innovations (from crowdfunding to crowdsourcing), a virtual tour of the Fiera aftermath, and even a flashmob.

Admission is free. For more information, please visit the official site.

This project has transitioned from a university research project to becoming a business proposal for a sustainable repurposing of the territory.

The project – created by the architect prom Puglia Claudio Esposito in collaboration with PUSH – aims to recover, repurpose and revalue the ancient coastal defensive system in Puglia, which includes an infrastructure of 127 towers, constructed between the 13th and 17th centuries, some of which are currently abandoned.

The main focus was on 8 towers in the Gallipoli area, which would be repurposed into meeting centers, fab labs, instructional centers and places for co-working, in which case that span of coastline would be transformed into a sort of “Club Med” for innovators and start uppers, taking advantage of the tourism of the local territory.

The towers would be connected to each other with a route of bike and walking paths and virtually connected by a wireless mesh, which would cover over 40km of coastline with a broadband Internet signal.

The new network will be transformed: from a defense system to a widespread system of slow fruition of the territory and landscape.
A new view of the culture from Salento by implanting on beautiful coastline the growth catalysts that are promoting the innovation process in our Country, to stimulate the citizens of the territory and tourists and give them the instruments to become an active part of the Country.

The project had several partners, including the collaborations with Puglia Region and the administrations of the interested townships: The Hub Bari, iStarter, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, J.A.N.U.B – which will contribute their expertise in the field.

“The project is a concrete and realistic approach to transform the abandoned coastal towers into centers for innovators and start uppers”.
(Riccardo Luna on ilPost)

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