Posts Tagged ‘miur’

The Smart Mobility World, a crucial European event for the XXI century world of mobility, will be held on 12-14 November in Turin at Centro Congressi Lingotto. The goal of this event, which will gather in Turin companies, institutions, and experts committed to the development of forms of transportations more and more sustainable, is to offer a complete overview of current and future smart mobility on an international level.

Within this context, there will be an area devoted to PONREC (MIUR’s National Operative Program “Research and Competitiveness” 2007-2013) and to the eight winning projects of the competition “Smart Cities and Community and Social Innovation”, projects focused on sustainable mobility. They will be part of the dense program including conferences, workshops, and a series of encounters with Italian and international experts in the field of smart mobility.

Among the featured projects there will be also trafficO2, the smartphone app developed by PUSH aiming at reducing pollution and encourage sustainable transportation. On Friday 14 November, starting at 9.30 am in the “Dublino” hall there will be a talk entitled “Sharing mobility. Taxi, ncc, car sharing, car pooling, car rental, etc. become digital, shared, and social: solutions and critical issues”, during which Salvatore Di Dio, PUSH president, will tell about trafficO2.

On 22-24 October in Milan will be held Fieramilanocity SMAU, an event dedicated to technology and innovation. MIUR will be present in the Open Innovation area together with the fourteen winners of the competition “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation”.

The fourteen innovative projects will be presented in a dedicated exhibiting space in order to promote their business ideas and projects, exchange information, and network. Among these, trafficO2, the market-based social computing project for the mobility of urban communities developed by PUSH.

During the three-day event, more than twenty educational workshops will be held by

instructors, analysts, experts in funding for businesses and startups, smart working, open innovation, crowdsourcing, and much more.


Finally on Friday 24 October at 1 pm the innovative projects regarding Smart City and Social Innovation, including trafficO2, will be introduced in only 90 seconds in a speed pitching moderated by Emil Abirascid.

trafficO2 was in Salerno for AICA’s 50th national congress, event organized in collaboration with the University of Salerno, which will be held at the Fisciano campus from September 18th to September 20th.

Digital Frontiers: from Digital Divide to Smart Society”, the theme of the 2013 edition. In fact, during the three days researchers, faculty and professionals of the ICT field will meet to evaluate in which way our Country is preparing to face the future challenges to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, as an answer and in accordance to the European research and innovation strategies.

The focuses of the summit were all of the initiatives and researches on themes such as climate change, security, energy and food resupply, health and mobility. These are themes in which ICT plays an important role in supporting innovation.

The trafficO2 team, which was awarded the contract “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation” promoted by MIUR in 2012, will take part in the round table “Smart Mobility and Social Innovation”, scheduled on Thursday September 19th at 4pm.

The guest speakers, among others, will be Antonio Pescapè, form the University of Naples, Anna Donati, appointed by the mayor of Naples for sustainable mobility and Fabrizio Cobis, director of the special programs of research and distribution of scientific culture at MIUR.

Click here for the complete program.

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