Posts Tagged ‘Salvatore Di Dio’

“Design, Social Media and Technology to Foster Civic Self-Organisation”: questo il titolo della conferenza che si terrà oggi e domani, 22 maggio, all’Università di Hasselt, in Belgio.

La conferenza indagherà il rapporto tra città e cittadini – sempre più bisognosi di trasparenza da parte delle pubbliche amministrazioni e spesso anche in prima linea nel tentativo di migliorare la propria quotidianità nei contesti urbani – e di conseguenza il tema della participation, che definisce proprio questo coinvolgimento.

Gli interventi metteranno poi in luce gli strumenti che le amministrazioni utilizzano nel loro rapporto con chi le città le abita: il design (virtuale e “analogico”), in una scala che va dagli oggetti alle intere città; i Social Media (supportati da app attraverso cui gli utenti possono condividere/commentare, magari proprio l’operato del proprio Comune) e gli strumenti tecnologici, come gli hardware che possono fisicamente migliorare la vita nelle città (pensiamo a schermi interattivi, sensori georeferenziati, etc).

Obiettivo della conferenza è proprio quello di trovare un punto di incontro tra questi tre strumenti, un’implementazione che sfrutti i lati positivi di ognuno nel creare strumenti ancora più efficaci.

I temi trattati sono sicuramente adatti al nostro progetto di mobilità sostenibile trafficO2, che coniuga design, strumenti digitali e partecipazione attiva dei cittadini. Durante la giornata di domani, infatti, Salvatore Di Dio presenterà un intervento dal titolo “How to track behaviours’ changes toward more sustainable mobility habits: the serious game of TrafficO2″. 

Si tratta di un’ulteriore occasione – imperdibile – per presentare il nostro lavoro e i risultati della sperimentazione in un contesto accademico internazionale.

È possibile consultare il programma delle due giornate a questo link.

From today until Friday 27 February we shall be in Rome for Crew (Creative Economy Week), a week of study, research, and educational activities on the topics of innovation, startups, and creative economy, organized by IED Roma. This event aims at publicizing IED’s academic year topic, “Self(i3) Worker”, to reflect upon the dramatic changes occurring in contemporary society and in the job markets, and upon the creation of job opportunities for oneself and the others.

Crew is a lab-like event where IED Roma offers itself as hub for innovation and support of business competitiveness in the fields of fashion, design, visual arts, new media, and communication, in order to favor companies’ encounter with the world of cultural and creative productions. In so doing, it aims at activating processes of collaborations, transfers of knowledge, and developments of model and competencies.

IED Factory is the section of the event dedicated to twelve workshops held by professionals of creative disciplines and is open to second year students.

Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci, and Mauro Filippi will bring on the table their experience gained in PUSH proposing APPlyIED, a workshop on designing services. Through experimental learning and departing from virtual cases of goods and services needing to be improved, developed, or reinvented, they shall share with the students the methods for service design and fast prototyping.

It will be an experience similar to that of Service Jam. As output, each team will produce a video presentation telling about their experience as users.

For this workshop, an experience of paramount importance for our team, many people have applied and now is fully booked.

The complete program of the event is available on the official website.

On Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 February, the town of Villafranca near Verona will host a boot camp dedicated to the relation between smart cities and the Public Administration. For two days, the best practices of the local administration offices will familiarize with the innovative startups of the Mind The Bridge circuit.

This event, which includes several talks from experts in the field, is organized by E-Globalservice, a service provider for institutions and companies. At the end of the three-day event it will be revealed on which three startups – among the over one hundred that have presented their candidacy – E-Globalservice has decided to invest.

PUSH is among the finalists and on Sunday 8 Salvatore Di Dio and Domenico Schillaci will be introducing it to the public in the pitch dedicated to the thirteen finalists.

The program of the event includes, on Saturday 7, a round-table open to the public and dedicated to the Public Administration, entitled La nuova PA: Digitalizzazione e Smart Cities, Efficienza e Vantaggi Condivisi, while Sunday 8 will features talks by two keynote speakers: Nick Mastronardi, founder and CEO of Polco, and Benedetta Arese Lucini, general manager at Uber.

The program is available on the Eventbrite webpage.

Double appointment in Bruxelles for PUSH: today and tomorrow Salvatore Di Dio and Domenico Schillaci will participate to two important meetings on smart cities.

Today’s meeting is with the organization Code For Europe, an international network coordinating the various experiences of social innovators from all Europe with the goal of disseminating and making available to all European cities smart solutions that will contribute to their development.

The objective of today’s meeting is to plan at best the involvement of PUSH — which only recently has become partner with Code For Europe – and its role as social innovator in Italy within the framework of this international project.

As for the other meeting, instead, PUSH will participate to the “Connected Smart Cities Conference” organized by ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs), an event launched as space for sharing ideas and discuss technology, ecosystems, and the toolkits for smart cities.

The program of the event, accessible on the Eventbrite webpage, includes several talks discussing smart cities from all different angles: from more technical topics connected to the use of technology on the part of citizens to the connection among national and international smart cities. It will be an important occasion for PUSH to dialogue with international interlocutors on a key topic of its mission.


Oggi PUSH sarà a Washington per partecipare alla BECC (Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference) una conferenza giunta alla sua ottava edizione dedicata all’analisi dei comportamenti e delle decisioni individuali e organizzative relative al consumo di energia, alle emissioni di gas a effetto serra, ai cambiamenti climatici e la sostenibilità.

La conferenza prevede una serie di workshop, tavole rotonde e seminari che affronteranno da vari punti di vista il tema della BECC.

Durante il seminario sul tema “Transforming Transportation” interverrà il presidente di PUSH Salvatore Di Dio.
Il suo intervento, dal titolo “Mobility and Behaviours: trafficO2”, racconterà gli effetti positivi che la sperimentazione dell’app ha avuto sulla comunità degli studenti dell’Università di Palermo.

Si tratta di un’occasione importante per raccontare il progetto a un pubblico di esperti del settore e raccoglierne i feedback.

È possibile consultare il programma dell’evento sul sito dedicato.

The Smart Mobility World, a crucial European event for the XXI century world of mobility, will be held on 12-14 November in Turin at Centro Congressi Lingotto. The goal of this event, which will gather in Turin companies, institutions, and experts committed to the development of forms of transportations more and more sustainable, is to offer a complete overview of current and future smart mobility on an international level.

Within this context, there will be an area devoted to PONREC (MIUR’s National Operative Program “Research and Competitiveness” 2007-2013) and to the eight winning projects of the competition “Smart Cities and Community and Social Innovation”, projects focused on sustainable mobility. They will be part of the dense program including conferences, workshops, and a series of encounters with Italian and international experts in the field of smart mobility.

Among the featured projects there will be also trafficO2, the smartphone app developed by PUSH aiming at reducing pollution and encourage sustainable transportation. On Friday 14 November, starting at 9.30 am in the “Dublino” hall there will be a talk entitled “Sharing mobility. Taxi, ncc, car sharing, car pooling, car rental, etc. become digital, shared, and social: solutions and critical issues”, during which Salvatore Di Dio, PUSH president, will tell about trafficO2.

From 27 to 29 June 2014, Selinunte will host the Fourth International meeting “Architects meet in Selinunte_OFF”, conceived and organized by  Associazione Italiana di Architettura e Critica and presS/TFactory.

The program includes several meetings and discussions, classified by themes, but also video screenings, exhibitions and awardds. It will be a great opportunity to better understand the role of architecture today, from the position of young students on contemporay architecture- expressed by ad hoc videos-  to the role of architecture as an instrument to fight against the crisis and look forward to future for Sicily.

On Friday 27 from 15, during the debate “New Ideas”– when young italian innovators will present their ideas- Salvatore Di Dio will talk about the experience of PUSH, how it was born and its role on the territory.

The event will be held in Teatro Selinus in Castelvetrano, from 10 a.m. and admission will be free. You can sign up directly there or writing an email to

For more info visit the website

Tomorrow, at the Centro sperimentale di cinematografia in Palermo will be held a local seminar for planning Sicily’s participation at the Italian pavilion at EXPO 2015


The event, which will take place in Milan from 1 May to 31 October, is dedicated to the topic “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” and is going to be of great national and international appeal. EXPO and Padiglione Italia aim at becoming the messengers of a proactive vision of Italian culture and economy and of their main actors. They mean to do so by granting visibility and support to those projects and practices that will take us into the future, stimulating the desire of improvement and growth, coortinating and enhancing the Italian socio-economic system so to offer to the world the best image possible of Italy and its territory.

In order to highlight what content regional and local institutions will be taking to Expo 2015, Padiglione Italia, in agreement with EXPO Direction Board and also with the contribution of Censis, organizes a series of local seminars for participation planning entitled “EXPO 2015 for Italy”. These are occasions aimed at auditing local authorities and their representatives in order to envisage an articulated and engaging image of Italy that can look at the future from the viewpoint of its historical riches and cultural identity.


Among the speakers of the seminar “Forum for Sicily” there will be also PUSH’s President Salvatore di Dio, who will gather PUSH’s social innovation projects. He is strongly committed to work for Palermo and its citizens by laying the groundwork for tomorrow’s smart cities through projects that are simple, effective, sustaimable, and able to trigger new urban and social policies.


The seminar will be held tomorrow, Tuesday 12 November at Cantieri culturali alla Zisa – Pad. 4, Via P. Gili, 4, in Palermo.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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