On February 20th in 34 different cities of the world will be held the World Information Architecture Day (WIAD). In Italy it will take place in three cities: one of these will be – again – Palermo.
PMO coworking, FabLab Palermo, Open Data Sicilia and PUSH, that organized the past edition, are managing the organization of this event in Sicily.
Because of the ubiquitous nature of information, this year the theme is “Information Everywhere, Architects Everywhere”.
In the “sicilian” edition of WIAD, the speakers will have their speech in the morning (10.30 am – 1 p.m.), while in the afternoon, at 3 p.m., there will be a workshop.
Maria Cristina Lavazza, Information architecht.
Peppe Sirchia, UX Designer
Chiara Curti, Architect
Daniele Bruneo, Web & UX Designer
Betty Chatzisavvidou, UX Designer
The workshop is organized by Andrea Borruso, expert in open data and member of Open Data Sicilia.
The event will be held at the Istituto Euro-Mediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia in Via Michele Miraglia 20. In order to participate it is necessary to register at Eventbrite. Find the complete program on www.wiadpalermo.com
Slowscape, the project for the refunctionalization of Puglia’s coastal defensive system envisaged by architect Claudio Esposito in cooperation with PUSH, has been selected to be among the thirty semifinalists for ARS – Arte che realizza occupazione sociale at the Fondazione Italiana Accenture.
This is an important achievement, especially if we look at the following figures: 514 applications from 1,240 participants in six different areas. (All data can be found in the official infographic prospectus.)
The next phase of evaluation of the projects presented will begin on 26 July to end on 10 September, when the Technical Committee will select the ten finalist projects, that is, the ten ideas than better than any other will be able to create economically sustainable jobs and to enhance, at the same time, the national cultural heritage.
Here the video about Slowscape.
Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821