Posts Tagged ‘Festival’

On Saturday June 14, there will be the first “Festival of the Communities for Change”, in Bologna at Palazzo Re Enzo, an event created and organized by the association RENA.

It’s an event, unique of its kind, developed for networking, organizing discussion tables and sharing experiences. It’s an opportunity for all the participants to create value, meeting each other and starting new collaborations. All the main actors of innovation in Italy, have been gathered, showing a huge interest, so that the event is sold out.

There’s a rich program, from 10 am until late in the evening.

150 organizations will attend the festival, including communities, public administrations, enterprises and 15 nationally popular speakers.

PUSH, represented by Domenico Schillaci and Salvatore Di Dio, will take part in the event. The festival is a great opportunity to meet realities who we’re already starting a collaboration with and to find new ones, but it is also an excellent opportunity to be part of the thematic tables dealing with crucial issues for the projects developed by our Association, such as social innovation, OpenData, territory promotion, crowdfunding and governance of sharing communities.

The event can be followed via live streaming or following RENA on Twitter and using the hashtag #RENAfestival created for the event.

trafficO2 was in San Vito Lo Capo for the SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival, the international festival dedicated to documentaries, shorts, and animation movies treating themes connected to the environment, sustainability, and human rights. In the occasion of its fifth edition, a special section with shorts on sustainable mobility has been launched.

The festival, promoted by the San Vito Lo Capo Municipality, Demetra Produzioni and by the cultural association Cantiere 7, is sponsored by DESS (Decennale Educazione e Sviluppo Sostenibile) of  the National Commission UNESCO. It also features a collaboration with Filmoteca Regionale Siciliana.

The program of the event aims at disseminating a culture of sustainability based on a vision of a long-term development that could benefit all the populations on the planet, both present and future, by integrating itself with the needs of preservation of natural resources and ecosystems, within a framework of mutual support.

Great attention will be paid to light mobility, with a new competitive section of the festival where the sustainable means of transportation become movie subjects. In addition, there will be space for debate with a round-table entitled “Nuove idee per la mobilità nuova”, where PUSH will present the project trafficO2. The associations  FIAB and Mobilita Palermo will be among the featured participants.

“Nuove idee per la mobilità nuova” is scheduled for Thursday 11 July at 6.30 pm in Piazza Santuario, in San Vito Lo Capo near Trapani.

The festival will end on 14 July. Click here for the complete program.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
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