Posts Tagged ‘domenico schillaci’

Domenico Schillaci, con il progetto trafficO2, è tra i cinque vincitori degli Smart City Innovation Awards.

Si tratta di una conferenza e di una competizione che ha lo scopo di individuare, ispirare e connettere giovani innovatori e imprenditori tecnologici per avere un rapido ed efficiente successo nel settore Smart City. Partner principali dell’iniziativa sono BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas e MIT Enterprise Forum, affiliato al Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

I vincitori hanno la possibilità di presentare i propri progetti ad un pubblico composto ad hoc da investitori, imprenditori, accademici, tecnici e business leaders durante la cerimonia di premiazione che si terrà domani 11 giugno a Milano durante la Wave Exposition.

Gli Smart City Innovation Awards premieranno inoltre il miglior progetto con un viaggio per partecipare alla EmTech – la più importante conferenza globale sulle tecnologie emergenti – che avrà luogo presso il MIT Media Lab, nel cuore del MIT campus a Cambridge, Massachusetts, dal 2 al 4 novembre 2015.

L’evento ospiterà alcuni tra i principali esperti internazionali in smart city e urban mobility tra cui Carlo Ratti (DriveWave di MIT Senseable City Lab), Irene Tinagli (Membro della Camera dei Deputati del Parlamento Italiano), Umberto Malesci (CEO di Fluidmesh Networks) e Antoinette Matthews (Executive Director di MIT Enterprise Forum).

I relatori discuteranno sulle ultime tendenze globali, esperienze e best practices del mondo smart city e urban mobility.

Per PUSH è un’occasione importantissima per far conoscere il progetto trafficO2 – l’app che premia gli spostamenti sostenibili – a un pubblico di esperti del settore.

From today until Friday 27 February we shall be in Rome for Crew (Creative Economy Week), a week of study, research, and educational activities on the topics of innovation, startups, and creative economy, organized by IED Roma. This event aims at publicizing IED’s academic year topic, “Self(i3) Worker”, to reflect upon the dramatic changes occurring in contemporary society and in the job markets, and upon the creation of job opportunities for oneself and the others.

Crew is a lab-like event where IED Roma offers itself as hub for innovation and support of business competitiveness in the fields of fashion, design, visual arts, new media, and communication, in order to favor companies’ encounter with the world of cultural and creative productions. In so doing, it aims at activating processes of collaborations, transfers of knowledge, and developments of model and competencies.

IED Factory is the section of the event dedicated to twelve workshops held by professionals of creative disciplines and is open to second year students.

Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci, and Mauro Filippi will bring on the table their experience gained in PUSH proposing APPlyIED, a workshop on designing services. Through experimental learning and departing from virtual cases of goods and services needing to be improved, developed, or reinvented, they shall share with the students the methods for service design and fast prototyping.

It will be an experience similar to that of Service Jam. As output, each team will produce a video presentation telling about their experience as users.

For this workshop, an experience of paramount importance for our team, many people have applied and now is fully booked.

The complete program of the event is available on the official website.

On Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 February, the town of Villafranca near Verona will host a boot camp dedicated to the relation between smart cities and the Public Administration. For two days, the best practices of the local administration offices will familiarize with the innovative startups of the Mind The Bridge circuit.

This event, which includes several talks from experts in the field, is organized by E-Globalservice, a service provider for institutions and companies. At the end of the three-day event it will be revealed on which three startups – among the over one hundred that have presented their candidacy – E-Globalservice has decided to invest.

PUSH is among the finalists and on Sunday 8 Salvatore Di Dio and Domenico Schillaci will be introducing it to the public in the pitch dedicated to the thirteen finalists.

The program of the event includes, on Saturday 7, a round-table open to the public and dedicated to the Public Administration, entitled La nuova PA: Digitalizzazione e Smart Cities, Efficienza e Vantaggi Condivisi, while Sunday 8 will features talks by two keynote speakers: Nick Mastronardi, founder and CEO of Polco, and Benedetta Arese Lucini, general manager at Uber.

The program is available on the Eventbrite webpage.

Double appointment in Bruxelles for PUSH: today and tomorrow Salvatore Di Dio and Domenico Schillaci will participate to two important meetings on smart cities.

Today’s meeting is with the organization Code For Europe, an international network coordinating the various experiences of social innovators from all Europe with the goal of disseminating and making available to all European cities smart solutions that will contribute to their development.

The objective of today’s meeting is to plan at best the involvement of PUSH — which only recently has become partner with Code For Europe – and its role as social innovator in Italy within the framework of this international project.

As for the other meeting, instead, PUSH will participate to the “Connected Smart Cities Conference” organized by ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs), an event launched as space for sharing ideas and discuss technology, ecosystems, and the toolkits for smart cities.

The program of the event, accessible on the Eventbrite webpage, includes several talks discussing smart cities from all different angles: from more technical topics connected to the use of technology on the part of citizens to the connection among national and international smart cities. It will be an important occasion for PUSH to dialogue with international interlocutors on a key topic of its mission.


On 29-30 October, in Vienna, there will be the Pioneers Festival, an event dedicated to technology and science and involving those businesses working in these two fields.

During the festival, in seminars and pitches, several representatives of startups and companies will discuss in depth several themes, from the management of companies at their early stage to the technologies used in their own businesses. PUSH will have a place at the Festival: on Thursday 30 October Domenico Schillaci will present and tell about his experience at PUSH and how it uses technology in fostering social innovation.

This event will be held in the picturesque Hofburg. The complete program of the event is available on the official website.

The Urban Thinkers Campus will be held in Caserta at the Belvedere di San Leucio on 15-18 October. This is an initiative of the UN-Habitat that, in association with the Forum delle Culture di Napoli e della Campania, will explore the theme “The City We Need”. The goal of the campus is to bring together urban thinkers, philosophers, writers, journalists, bloggers, urban planners and designers, city leaders and decision makers, businessmen, marketing and communication experts, and all those that in various ways are interested in the topics connected to urban policies, which will mark the approach of Habitat III.


Within this grand event we will have our own space on Wednesday 15, from 2 to 4 pm. The topic of our session is “The City as a Service”, where speakers will talk about a new approach in designing services for the city, an approach having at its center the citizens conceived as a community.

Featured speakers:

Antonio Prigiobbo – Campania StartUp, NAStartUp 


Michele D’Ambrosio – Isola Nova Associazione CleaNAP 


Claudio Esposito – Studio Ines Bajardi AA 


Program of the session: 


14:00 – 14:10 Registration of participants


14:10 – 14:20 Introduction to the session  “The City as a Service – The City as Service Provider” (Domenico Schillaci – PUSH); 


14:20 – 15:20 Speakers’ papers


15:20 – 15:50 Round-table: “Shared Strategies and Best Practices to Plan the City of the Future) (moderator Mauro Filippi– PUSH); 


15:50 – 16:00 Closing remarks.

The admission is free, but it is necessary to register on the website.




On Saturday June 14, there will be the first “Festival of the Communities for Change”, in Bologna at Palazzo Re Enzo, an event created and organized by the association RENA.

It’s an event, unique of its kind, developed for networking, organizing discussion tables and sharing experiences. It’s an opportunity for all the participants to create value, meeting each other and starting new collaborations. All the main actors of innovation in Italy, have been gathered, showing a huge interest, so that the event is sold out.

There’s a rich program, from 10 am until late in the evening.

150 organizations will attend the festival, including communities, public administrations, enterprises and 15 nationally popular speakers.

PUSH, represented by Domenico Schillaci and Salvatore Di Dio, will take part in the event. The festival is a great opportunity to meet realities who we’re already starting a collaboration with and to find new ones, but it is also an excellent opportunity to be part of the thematic tables dealing with crucial issues for the projects developed by our Association, such as social innovation, OpenData, territory promotion, crowdfunding and governance of sharing communities.

The event can be followed via live streaming or following RENA on Twitter and using the hashtag #RENAfestival created for the event.

The interview with Domenico Schillaci, PUSH’s founder and project manager, is now  online.

The interview was realized  by Officine Formative, the school of business of Intesa Sanpaolo to provide solid ground to the new startups with valuable ideas for business.

The occasion was prompted by PUSH’s participation to Startup Initiative, a showcase of the most innovative startups promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo as an important occasion for in depth analysis and networking with industrial and financial actors on the international scene.

trafficO2,PUSH’s leading project, was particularly appreciated. trafficO2 represents a novel approach to mobility and aims at changing the citizens’ habits through a convenient trade-off where prizes are exchanged with sustainable behaviors.

Officine Formative asked us to tell about trafficO2 and the birth of the first Palermo-based civic startup by answering to five simple questions concerning: the idea, the team, the target, the business model, and the projects for the future.

This was a great opportunity to share an ambitious project and tell about our idea of Smart City.

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