Posts Tagged ‘hub’

Sicily hub-net of the Mediterranean: from the fishing nets to the Internet, through the logistical nets. Two days of workshops and seminars – organized by the Port Authority of Palermo, TTL Sicily e TTS – dedicated to exploring the scenarios in which the city of Palermo traces its prospective path toward the major building projects, programmed to be held on the 16th and 17th of December at the Port Authority of Palermo – Stella Maris Hall (Via Piano dell’Ucciardone n.4)

The central theme is a “gateway”: a step, a doorway that allows the passage of people, goods, thoughts and information. Ports, train stations and airports are in fact the current doorway to the contemporary cities, through which information flows, that is economic, social, cultural and environmental.
In this context of analysis of urban events in and through gateways, there will also be a speech by Salvatore Di Dio who will discuss PUSH’s commitment to create a smart hub that will be able to promote and share information for a realistic and sustainable change of the urban and social policies.

The appointment is set for December 17th at 11.30 am.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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