Posts Tagged ‘agrigento’

When Andrea Bartoli founder and artistic director of Farm Cultural Park, invited us to spend a weekend at the first Sicilian cultural tourist park, we did not need to be asked twice. Thus, 4th to 6th January next year, we’ll be there; pushers among visitors to this beautiful centre, located in the province of Agrigento.

This will give us a little relaxation after an intense year, yet also represents an interesting opportunity for us to present the activities carried out so far and the projects still in the pipeline, develop synergies on issues of culture and social innovation, and place the groundwork for future collaborations. All this, while enjoying the creativity that exists inside of this place, unique in the world.

We can be sure that we will return to Palermo not only more relaxed but also, and above all, more inspired.

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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