
Right to the Future Urban Thinkers Campus: Call for Volunteers

Thanks to the experience of City as a Service and the participation to the conference Habitat III, PUSH has been selected by the United...


Augmented reality: between technology and perception. Our experience in Oxford.

Last January, at the prestigious Oxford Brookes University, the first European winter school focused on Augmented Reality took place. The AR winter school, organised...


PUSH presents Street Art Factory

After the successful experience with Borgo Vecchio Factory, PUSH presents Street Art Factory, a brand new website where you can locate street art works,...


CALL FOR (AR)TIST – Augmented Reality Workshop

PUSH, in collaboration with Bepart, the GAM – Modern Art Gallery of Palermo and the Scuola Politecnica of the University of Palermo, will hold an alternative...


Our Habitat III

A few weeks ago we were invited by Habitat Secretariat to be part of the historic conference Habitat III, in the city of Quito,...


PUSH invited to Habitat III in Ecuador

PUSH will take part to Habitat III Conference Events in Quito, Ecuador, from 15 to 20 October 2016. Habitat III is the United Nations Conference...


Domenico Schillaci won the MIT Technology Review Award for Young Innovators

Domenico Schillaci won  MIT Technology Review Young Innovators TR35 Italy Award. The award recognizes outstanding innovators under 35 in a wide range of fields, including biotechnology,...


Smart City: un Pecha Kucha Happy Hour per parlarne

Giovedì 17 marzo alle 18.30 si svolgerà nella sede di Digital Magics Palermo, in seno alla tappa palermitana di SmArt City Italia, un appuntamento informale per discutere...


Toti Di Dio al TEDxSSC: «Il futuro è dappertutto»

Il 19 dicembre 2015 Toti Di Dio ha partecipato come speaker al TEDx SSC, il TEDx organizzato dalla Scuola Superiore di Catania. Design, sostenibilità ambientale e...


We’re hiring!

In order to develop the project “trafficO2 – Social Network for Sustainable Mobility” – PON04a3_00451 – CUP B65I12000430005, the no-profit organization PUSH (C.F. 97285820821,...


Toti Di Dio will attend the 30Weeks program in New York

Toti Di Dio was selected to be on of the 20 designers that will attend to 30Weeks, an important training program for the new...


World IA Day is back in Palermo in 2016

On February 20th in 34 different cities of the world will be held the World Information Architecture Day (WIAD). In Italy it will take place in...


Slowscape diventa un libro

Il nostro progetto Slowscape diventa un libro in cui vi raccontiamo il piano di rigenerazione che mira a trasformare la rete delle antiche torri del...


PUSH.edu lancia due corsi di formazione per la nuova generazione di imprenditori digitali

Dopo il successo della City As a Service Intensive School a Erice e le numerose esperienze nel mondo della formazione (IED, Politecnico di Milano e non solo), PUSH lancia...


Sant’Anna Jamming: a workshop for the regeneration of Piazza Sant’Anna in Palermo

PUSH and AISA – Associazione Italiana Studenti di Architettura – launch the workshop Sant’Anna Jamming. Piazza Sant’Anna is the name of a beautiful square in Palermo,...

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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