Toti Di Dio will attend the 30Weeks program in New York

Toti Di Dio was selected to be on of the 20 designers that will attend to 30Weeks, an important training program for the new generation of designers to be held in New York from March 1st to June 10th 2016.

30 Weeks has the aim of transforming designers in founders who are equipped with the entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and tech know-how to create products and start impactful companies. The structure of the program – that will last only 30 weeks – will give designers a chance to build their products in a highly stimulating and collaborative learning environment.

The 30 Weeks program is operated by Hyper Island, and supported by Google in partnership with SVA, Parsons, Pratt, The Cooper Union and some of the smartest minds in design, tech, business and venture capital.

Good luck, Toti!

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