Augmented reality: between technology and perception. Our experience in Oxford.

Last January, at the prestigious Oxford Brookes University, the first European winter school focused on Augmented Reality took place.

The AR winter school, organised by the Performance Augmentation Lab of the British university in collaboration with the American AR company DAQRI, represented a unique opportunity for participants to dive into the topic and investigate the relationship between technology and perception.

Considered by many as “the new frontier of computing”, Augmented Reality aims to enhance human perception by inserting digital information into the real world. In recent years, this discipline had a remarkable growth, following the massive investments by the world’s leading technology companies, and nowadays there are several fields of application where remarkable results have been achieved.

During the five days of the course, participants were able to deepen their knowledge about ARToolKit, a free Open Source SDK for Augmented Reality, and develop AR-based application prototypes.
Domenico Schillaci, one of the researchers selected to attend the event, besides presenting the project mixing street art and Augmented Reality developed in Palermo by PUSH and Bepart, together with his team he designed AR Secret Stuff, an app that uses AR as a medium to reveal secrets, using existing objects for new amazing purposes.

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