Open House Roma, app powered by PUSH

PUSH is in a partnership with Open House Roma, the annual event- organized by the Association Open City Roma- that in a weekend gives free access to hundreds of buildings, remarkable for their architectural and artistic peculiarities. Particular attention is paid to modern and contemporary heritage, without ignoring the historical one.

The event is totally free and it makes possible the visit to all the scheduled places and events, thanks to guided tours organized by the designers and by the architecture students of Rome Universities. 

Furthermore, there will be pedestrian, cycle tours and special events aimed at discovering the hidden treasures of the Capital: these spaces are usually closed to public fruition because of their daily functions.

The App created by PUSH, will allow visitors to plan their tours during the two days of the event.

Each user will be able to explore the list of all the scheduled locations and events, sorting them accordingly to the distance measured by georeferenziation and filtering them accordingly to needs and preferences (historic period, author, date and opening hours, etc.)

They will have the opportunity to consult also technical fact sheets of each location, add them as “favourites”, book the visit and share their own experience on social networks.

The App is available both for iOS and Android devices.

For more info

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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