PUSH, as an associate member of the World Urban Campaign and its initiative I’m City Changer, has been selected to coordinate the organization of the first Urban Thinkers Campus in Palermo (8th – 9th – 10th October).
The event, hosted by different cities around the world, is promoted by the United Nations, with the aim of sensitizing and creating awarenessamong the citizens on urban issues, and prepare the contents to be presented during the conference Habitat III (Quito 2016). The Campus is designed as an open space for workshops and seminars, an opportunity to share and promote positive urban transformations.
PUSH is searching for under 35 volunteers for the daily organization of the Campus. We need someone who can greet and support all the participants that will attend the event in Palermo from all over the world. For this reason it is requested a good knowledge of English.
It will be a unique training opportunity: students will also have the chance to ask for CFU for their academic path.
Apply by September 25th: use the form below or write us on cityasaservice@wepush.org