Social Market




Social Market is an app to encourage neighbor friendly behaviors and reshape the urban communities' values around the issue of sustainability

Rethinking the urban layout on a neighborhood scale, it is a big opportunity to think about neighbors interactions and processes. Mobility, energy consumption, waste management and nourishment are the key themes to develop communities that live in a tight relationship between the built environment and living spaces. Repurposing means to trigger virtuous processes and often architecture isn’t just enough.

In occasion of the italian contest “AAA architetticercasi” for the recovery of the Rogoredo neighborhood in Milan, working alongside the studio Ines Bajardi, we were able to design a mobile app to foster people of the neighborhood community towards sustainable actions, creating a new virtual market that uses social values expressed by the citizens as a currency.

The mobile application gives a system and incentives for virtuous behaviors regarding themes tied to community life. To encourage sustainable mobility platform will be relying on bike sharing and car sharing systems, to award prizes given for proper recycling it’ll collect data through NFC tags on the trash bins, for an efficient energy consumption it will be tied in to the providers’ accounting systems and to promote a proper and a km0 nutrition it will serve as a credit system with the local structures of the urban gardens. Points, earned through a sustainable approach to community life, will give users access to specific services.


Ines Bajardi & Partners Milano
FARM Cultural Park

In 2013 the project won the first prize of the national competition AAA architetticercasi and it has also been selected as one of the 20 best ideas worldwide (among over than 700 proposals) for the FI-WARE Smart Cities Challenge ’14 contest.
Social Market is currently under study; FARM Cultural Park is the first community that has agreed to take part in a pilot trial in the historic center of Favara, a small town near Agrigento in Sicily.


Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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