
Digital Invasion @ Gallery of Modern Art in Palermo - April 28th 2013

Italy is the first country in the world for tourism and culture, but its artistic assets (made of more than 6000 museums and cultural sites) is not able to express its maximum potential, due to a conservative approach in culture management, which underestimates the role of society’s evolution and its technological progress.

PUSH has chosen to take part in the first edition of Invasioni Digitali, an initiative promoted throughout the country with the aim of enhancing the artistic and cultural heritage through the use of social media, targeting, along with Ars Mediterranea and Iride_work in pixels, the Gallery of Modern Art in Palermo.
The “invaders”, armed with smartphones and tablets and equipped with gadgets inspired by Space Invaders, have been able to enjoy a custom-made guided tour and were encouraged to share the experience on social networks through photos and videos with the hashtag #GAMinvasion.

More than 60 tickets sold and more than 100 visitors attended at the event, the first one organized by PUSH. The hashtag #GAMinvasion has collected 263 photos, while the global one #invasionidigitali exceeded 8500.
The graphic identity proposed during GAMinvasion, inspired by the video game Space Invaders, was used for later years in many other invasions, becoming a sort of icon of the event at national level.


Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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