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Donec sed odio dui.


Madonie Living Lab – il laboratorio di innovazione delle Madonie

Madonie Living Lab è il laboratorio di innovazione basato nelle Madonie, in Sicilia, che mette in relazione comunità, amministrazione, ricerca e impresa. Il laboratorio prevede un piano di attività, gestite dal RTI MADLAB composto da PUSH e Avanzi, sviluppate su quattro assi: la Piattaforma di Open Innovation, l’Educational hub, l’Acceleratore di idee e il Community […]


DARE – Digital Awareness for Resilience Experiences

DARE – Digital Awareness for Resilience Experiences is a research project funded by the European programme Erasmus+ (Key Action 2 – Adult education) and implemented by a consortium of 7 partners from Bulgaria, Italy, Norway, Slovenia and Spain coordinated by Per Esempio ONLUS. Context of the project DARE aims to fill one of the most […]


Palermo Hackathon – Una porta aperta sul processo di integrazione

PUSH è lieta di supportare il Comune di Palermo nell’organizzazione del primo hackathon del progetto EasyRights. Assistiamo gli immigrati nei loro primi passi nel loro nuovo paese. Contesto del progetto L’Hackathon di Palermo é parte del progetto Europeo EasyRights, che ha un obiettivo molto semplice: mettere insieme co-creazione e tecnologie di Intelligenza Artificiale per facilitare […]


Courage is needed to give a future to public transport

The coronavirus public health crisis has had a radical impact on daily lives. It has come as an unexpected shock, but many believe it could become an opportunity to profoundly influence new social behaviors in the near future. Moving back toward normalcy, before the release of an effective vaccine, will be indeed “a new normalcy”. […]


PUSH Virtual Balcony

Due to the COVID-19 global epidemiological emergency, we’ve been started working from home for several weeks now. Among the many things, we miss our meetings during the coffee break on our balcony overlooking Piazza Sant’Anna. Work, relationships, free time have been radically moved online and an unprecedented digital solidarity has been born in the world, […]


The first MUV Datathon for the exploitation of the data on urban mobility

The Datathon, originally organized in Palermo and Milan but canceled to counter the spread of COVID-19, will take place online from 6th to April 19th and is aimed at all those who, from the data collected through MUV app, wants to propose your own idea for a new solution or service. The event, organized by […]


“Right to the Future: Vision Development Kit for the City of Palermo” is now a book

Two years ago, with the Urban Thinkers Campus “Right to the Future“, we wished to promote the idea of Palermo as a city capable of collecting and multiplying its possible future scenarios and applying the principles of the New Urban Agenda regardless of the resources available. It was an opportunity to discuss about the “Right […]


“Human Flows: Perspectives of Sustainable Mobility”, the fourth Urban Thinkers Campus of PUSH

Ten days to the start of “Human Flows”, event promoted by UN Habitat and organized by PUSH in collaboration with the Municipality of Palermo to foster a dialogue on the future of human mobility flows who arrive in Palermo or from Palermo reach other destinations in Italy and around the world. The aim of the […]


The first international tournament on sustainable mobility with MUV

Two years from the kick-off of our European research project “MUV – Mobility Urban Values” and after more than 30.000 sustainable km done on foot, by bike and by public transports by the athletes who downloaded and use the mobile app, we are excited to announce the launch of the most important challenge: the first […]


Avviso pubblico per manifestazioni d’interesse finalizzate alla costruzione, installazione e manutenzione di 25 stazioni di monitoraggio nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca MUV

L’Associazione PUSH, nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca europeo sulla mobilità sostenibile MUV, punta attraverso il presente avviso pubblico a raccogliere manifestazioni d’interesse relative alla fornitura di un servizio di costruzione, installazione e manutenzione, nell’area del centro storico di Palermo, di n.25 stazioni di monitoraggio in grado di effettuare misurazioni di tipo ambientale (climatiche e di […]


Piazza Sant’Anna 3 – Kuala Lumpur Convention Center and return

Our collaboration with the UN-Habitat agency, this year, led us to the ninth World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur. We were therefore lucky enough to have an active role in the debate on the New Urban Agenda, to get in touch with important international players active in the field and to get to know the […]


UrbanisticaTre’s last release “I Quaderni” #12 about Right to the Future

“I Quaderni” #12 of the online journal UrbanisticaTre is titled “Right to the Future – The participatory process for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Palermo” and is edited by PUSH and urbanita. We are really proud of this publication entirely focused on the experience of our second Urban Thinkers Campus that took […]


The Augmented Street Art from Palermo to the suburbs of Milan

The experience launched through “Palermo Città Aumentata” is landing in the suburbs of Milan. Thanks to the Municipality of Milan and its call “Bando alle periferie” that recently funded 14 cultural projects in the areas of Giambellino-Lorenteggio, Adriano-Padova-Rizzoli, Corvetto-Chiaravalle-Porto di Mare, Niguarda-Bovisa e Qt8-Gallaratese, the “Augmented Street Art” arrived in Milan. Designed by a consortium […]


Street Art Factory: the SuperFotoColla project now online

During the Urban Creativity Day, organised by PUSH and Gruppo Emergency Palermo among the events of the Settimana delle Culture, sunday may 14th a new project by Street Art Factory was presented. The name of the project is SuperFotoColla (SuperPhotoGlue): a creative photography workshop designed by the photographer Roberto Boccaccino, from Minimum, for the kids […]


RIGHT TO THE FUTURE: The outcome of the two initiatives on the future of palermo

The second Urban Thinkers Campus in Palermo took place from April 6 to 8 at Palazzo Sant’Elia. It was one of the 75 that will happen around the world in 2017. “Right to the Future”, organized by PUSH in collaboration with the Municipality of Palermo, the patronage of the United Nations and with the support […]

Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo
C.F. 97285820821

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