The Second trafficO2 SUVChallenge is Now Launched!

Today, 17 November 2014, the new SUVChallenge (with SUV standing for “Sustainable Urban Values), the contest awarding the sustainable mobility of the students of the Università di Palermo, has been launched.

By moving on foot, by bike or vehicle pooling, it is possible, via an app, to accumulate O2 points allowing the students to win the prizes raffled out by the partners in the project.

This challenge is an occasion for the over-500 students who have joined the competition to test the app in advance and to actively contribute to its development.

Parallel to the community of UNIPA students, for the first time another, smaller, one will be created by invitation, comprising all those who are interested in testing the app exclusively.

The app is available for iOs and Android devices and is now at its fourth release.

For info, please refer to

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C.F. 97285820821

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