uMayor: outcome of the experience in Hungary July 30th 2013

The results of PUSH’s first experience abroad are very positive. In the occasion of the Social Innovation Tournament held at the EIB Institute on 25 and 26 July 2013, the project uMayor has received enthusiastic feedback.

This two-day boot-camp has been rich and stimulating and has given us the opportunity of sharing our idea of social innovation and to meet creative young people from all over Europe who showed enthusiastic appreciation for the idea of a crowd-sensing platform allowing a direct and transparent relation between citizens and the Public Administration.

A program of events full of occasions for in-depth analysis gave the opportunity to the sixteen finalists – including three Italian teams: uMayor, Miraorti, and Our Secret Garden – to perfect their presentation skills, thanks to the valuable advice of five professional coaches whom we would like to thank publicly here.

We returned to Palermo with several new ideas and suggestions ready to go back to work and prepare for our next appointment to be held on 17 October in Budapest: the proclamation of the three winners.

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